Killet GeoSoftware Ing.-GbR - short: KilletSoft - is a software company, which was established in the year 1991. The society is divided into the ranges "Geodetic Standard Software", "Development Tools for Geoinformatics" and "German Geodata". The focal trades of the companies supplied by KilletSoft are consulting engineers, GIS developers, Internet marketing, public utilities, logistics, telecommunications, security and public services.
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Publications, Work sheets and Press Releases by KilletSoft

Publications Publications, pess releases and work sheets around our company and in connection with our geodetic products are published in this area.
Texts and pictures presented here are available for publications in any media an may be used without any restrictions. The contents may be shortened, supplemented and amended, as long as the sense is not falsified. However, there must be a copyright notice and a link to the website of our company included in the text!
Here all publications, press releases and work sheets recently published by KilletSoft are listed. Some topics are available in German language only, sorry!

    Click here to read a Publication or Work sheet.
  1. Work Sheet english Modeling an NTv2 file under the aspect of economic efficiency
  2. Work Sheet english What actually is a Coordinate Reference System?
  3. Work Sheet english Display Formats of Coordinates in Plus Code / Open Location Code (OLC)
  4. Work Sheet english Traditional and modern Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS) in Germany
  5. Work Sheet english Inserting area boundaries as Polygonal Validity Scopes in NTv2 files
  6. Work Sheet english Geosoftware with Tools for analyzing and processing of NTv2 files
  7. Work Sheet english Proposal for using Polygonal Validity Scopes in NTv2 grid files
  8. Work Sheet english Usage of Geodata for Navigation in free Map Services
  9. Work Sheet english Quality Analysis of NTv2 Transformations with Geosoftware from KilletSoft
  10. Work Sheet german The 500th Birthday of the brilliant cartographer Gerardus Mercator
  11. Work Sheet english Are the Reference Systems WGS84 and ETRS89 really the same?
  12. Work Sheet english Quality analysis of GeoDLL and TRANSDATpro with BeTA2007 test data of the ADV
  13. Work Sheet english Display Formats of UTM Coordinates
  14. Work Sheet german The conversion of your geodata from Gauss-Kruger to UTM with BeTA2007
    Click here to read a Press Release.
  1. Press Release english KilletSoft supplies NASA with geodetic software
  2. Press Release english Modeling an NTv2 file under the aspect of economic efficiency
  3. Press Release english New sales concept for the Geodetic Development Kit GeoDLL from KilletSoft
  4. Press Release english KilletSoft receives EU Business Award 2020 from EU Business News Magazine
  5. Press Release english New tools for the realization of accurate Geodetic Datum Transitions
  6. Press Release english Modeling of NTv2 files from Identical Points in two Reference Systems
  7. Press Release english Worldwide Collection of NTv2 files for high accuracy Coordinate Transformations
  8. Press Release english Professional geodetic tool for accurate coordinate transformations
  9. Press Release german Provision of a high-precision NTv2 solution for Bavaria
  10. Press Release english KilletSoft receives EU Business Award 2018 from EU Business News Magazine
  11. Press Release english In-house development with the Geodetic Development Kit GeoDLL
  12. Press Release english KilletSoft provides solutions for problems with large NTv2 files in GIS
  13. Press Release english KilletSoft's Spatial Software supports Reference System GDA2020 of Australia
  14. Press Release german Provision of a high-precision NTv2 solution for Baden-Wuerttemberg
  15. Press Release english GeoSoftware support precise NTv2 Solutions for Real Estate Cadastres
  16. Press Release english Geodetic Development Kit GeoDLL for your own GIS developments
  17. Press Release english Good service pays off - 25 years Geosoftware by KilletSoft
  18. Press Release english KilletSoft realizes Polygonal Validity Scopes in NTv2 grid files
  19. Press Release english Geodetic software from KilletSoft honored with Innovation Award 2016
  20. Press Release english Agreement for Free of Charge usage of NTv2 grid data of Hamburg
  21. Press Release english TRANSDATpro Coordinate Transformation wins Innovation Award 2015
  22. Press Release english KilletSoft extends Time Zones in GeoDLL 15.10 with Maritime Territorial Limits
  23. Press Release english NTv2 transformations from BetaDLL has been adopted into GeoDLL
  24. Press Release english KilletSoft releases GeoDLL 14.70 with Time Zones and Daylight Saving Times
  25. Press Release english KilletSoft releases TRANSDATpro 17.75 with EPSG "CRS" Support
  26. Press Release english KilletSoft releases the Data Conversion Software CONVERT as Freeware
  27. Press Release english Calculation of own Helmert Seven Parameter Sets from identical points
  28. Press Release english Geodetic programs support Terminal Services und Citrix Server Technology
  29. Press Release english Geodata Germany after Local Reform in Mecklenburg Western Pomerania
  30. Press Release german Conversion of your spatial data from Gauss Kruger to UTM - Simple solutions
  31. Press Release english GeoDLL supports geodetic developments on 64bit platforms
  32. Press Release english Geodata Germany after Administrative Reform in Federal State Saxonia
  33. Press Release german Snow Load Zones and Wind Load Zones of German towns in a new data base
  34. Press Release german Uniform German transformation DHDN / ETRS89 with NTv2 grid file
  35. Press Release german Transition from DHDN Gauss-Kruger coordinates to ETRS89 UTM coordinates
  36. Press Release german Allocation of Nature Areas and Landscapes for all German Towns
  37. Press Release english GeoDLL supports 3D Coordinate Transformations in own developments
  38. Press Release german Country wide uniform transformations with BeTA2007 not only for ATKIS®
  39. Press Release english Economical solution for the use of Digital Elevation Models
  40. Press Release english Super fast Coordinate Transformations with TRANSDATpro and GeoDLL
KilletSoft News In order that you are always well informed about our company, we write actual news, current information and special offers here into this column.
KilletSoft Logo Geodata Germany
All database tables have been updated to the data status of January 1, 2025.
KilletSoft Logo ORTWIN / TOPOWIN
The programs have been equipped with current geodata from January 1, 2025.
link_in Description ORTWIN...
link_in Description TOPOWIN...
KilletSoft Logo Newsletter
Our quarterly newsletter informs you about important innovations, updates of our software and interesting geodetic topics. link_in Register now...
KilletSoft Logo KilletSoft supplies NASA
We supply NASA with the geodetic programs TRANSDATpro and SEVENPAR.
KilletSoft Logo New work sheet
Modeling an NTv2 file under the aspect of economic efficiency.
link_in Read the work sheet...
KilletSoft Logo New work sheet
Display Formats of UTM Coordinates.
Third revised edition of the popular technical article.
link_in Read the work sheet...
KilletSoft Logo New work sheet
What actually is a Coordinate Reference System?
Second revised edition.
link_in Read the work sheet...
KilletSoft Logo Illegal software versions
The illegal use of our software got out of control!
link_in Read our Info...
KilletSoft Logo NTv2 collection
KilletSoft has collated NTv2 files worldwide into a collection on a central website and linked them for download.
link_in Read the Press Release...
link_in To the NTv2 collection...
KilletSoft Logo is member of
VDV Logo
Author: Dipl.-Ing. Fred Killet
Page name: t_them_e.htm
Page views: 90
Period: since Januar 1, 2025