Killet GeoSoftware Ing.-GbR - short: KilletSoft - is a software company, which was established in the year 1991. The society is divided into the ranges "Geodetic Standard Software", "Development Tools for Geoinformatics" and "German Geodata". The focal trades of the companies supplied by KilletSoft are consulting engineers, GIS developers, Internet marketing, public utilities, logistics, telecommunications, security and public services.
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CONVERT - Data Conversion Freeware
File Converter converts file formats and character sets


CONVERT data converter freeware converts databases and files between the file formats dBase, CSV and SDF and the character sets ANSI, ASCII, UTF8 and Unicode and allows in the same time to sort the data and to do selections.

CONVERT - Version 15.00 - Last update on 01 Janary 2025
The latest larger changes link_pdf History of Modifications and Supplements

  1. Certification of the program and the installer.
  2. CSV data fields may contain field separators and field delimiters.
  3. DataViewer show UTF8 and UniCode files in correct character set.
  4. Program control from the command line possible.
  5. Record selecting and data sorting with character sets ANSI, ASCII, UTF8 and Unicode.

Conversion of data files to other formats and character sets

File Configuration
File Configuration of the Data Converter

File Configuration
Output SDF example
Outut Viewer with SDF example

Output SDF example
Input CSV example
Input Viewer with CSV example

Input CSV example

The freeware program CONVERT from KilletSoft converts data files to other data formats and character sets. All data can be selected and sorted on data fields by the file converter. By the use of filter criteria data records can be selected. Data from several similar files can be joined to a common file. For the import in MySQL or SQL databases the 'CREATE TABLE' script can be generated. Thus the import of the data in any data base management system or file system will be possible. A special feature of the program is the possibility to process CSV and SDF files that are larger then 4,6 gigabytes.

CONVERT - Detailed Program Description
Convertical file formats and character sets, data sorting and data selection

Conversions between this data formats are possible:

  1. CSV (Comma Separated Value)
  2. SDF (Simple Document Format)
  3. dBase (Borlands data base format)

Conversions between this character sets are possible:

  1. ANSI (American National Standards Institute) [single byte WINDOWS standard]
  2. ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) [single byte character set]
  3. UTF8 (Unicode Transformation Format) [multi byte character set]
  4. Unicode (Universal Character Set) [double byte character set]

This sortings and selections are possible with most of the convertions:

  1. Sorting on data fields
  2. Selection on data records, that match given criteria
  3. Selection on data fields

Converting Data

A help file contains global information to the program in form of an program intern electronic manual. The English or German language help can be called with the "Help" button while the program is running.

Normally you must select only the data format you need. The usually common parameters are already preset. Proceed as follows:

  1. If necessarily join several dbase files to a new single dbase file.
  2. Open this or an other dBase, CSV or SDF input file with "Open input file".
  3. Select all characteristics and data selections, which are needed for your data format.
  4. Write the converted data with "Write output file" into a file.

The program is in most cases self-describing. When running over with the mouse pointer you receive continuous assistance in yellow supported Tool Tip fields.

The program can be controlled by the user interface (GUI) or by calling it from the command line. When called from the command line the names of the files must match the OS conventions and the file formats. For multi file processing the wildcards '*' or '?' can be used in the file names. With the button 'Save configuration' a configuration file with the current settings is produced, which later can be used, when entering the program from the command line. The configuration file has always the file extension '.ccf' (CONVERT configuration file).
Syntax and examples:

  1. CONVERT input_file output_file [configuration_file]
  2. CONVERT c:\post\zip.dbf c:\post\zip.csv c:\post\d2v.ccf
  3. CONVERT c:\post\*.dbf c:\post\*.csv c:\post\dbf2csv.ccf

After installation you find some geodata with data description of Killet GeoSoftware Ing.-GbR as test data in different subdirectories.

The freeware program can be downloaded from the Internet.

Terms of Use and License

CONVERT, © since 2006 by Killet GeoSoftware Ing.-GbR, all rights reserved.

The program CONVERT does not cost anything, because it is Freeware. That means under certain conditions (see below) you may and should use the program free of charge and pass it also to other persons.

You are allowed to use the program CONVERT only, if you accept the following:

  1. The program CONVERT is licensed for the personal, non-commercial use.
  2. The program CONVERT is also licensed for commercial use solely in connection with geodetic data delivered by Killet GeoSoftware Ing.-GbR.
  3. The program CONVERT may be used in a commercial business for non productive test purposes.
  4. The program CONVERT may be installed on a single computer for the limited purposes named under points 1 and 2 only.
  5. For additional use specifically excludes without limitation each of the following:
    1. The use of the program CONVERT in a commercial business for any reason.
    2. Personal use of the program CONVERT in a business setting or in support of a business activity.
    3. Use for the development of a system for commercial gain, whether to be sold or to be used within a company with commercial business.
    4. Inclusion of the program CONVERT in another product, whether or not that other product is sold, given away, or made part of a larger product.
  6. For commercial use, an economically priced license can be acquired with the link_in online order form.
  7. There is no claim that the results of the calculations performed with the program CONVERT will be complete, accurate and correct under any circumstances and in any possible cases. Under no circumstances can damage, direct loss, or indirect loss of profit, caused by the use, or the inability to use, or incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate results of calculations performed with the program CONVERT, result in an arrest of Killet GeoSoftware Ing.-GbR. The use of the program is on your own risk!

Use of an illegal program version

Managing Director Fred Killet explains why you should never use an link_in illegal version of our File Converter program CONVERT.

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Author: Dipl.-Ing. Fred Killet
Page name: p_cona_e.htm
Page views: 303
Period: since Januar 1, 2025