Killet GeoSoftware Ing.-GbR - short: KilletSoft - is a software company, which was established in the year 1991. The society is divided into the ranges "Geodetic Standard Software", "Development Tools for Geoinformatics" and "German Geodata". The focal trades of the companies supplied by KilletSoft are consulting engineers, GIS developers, Internet marketing, public utilities, logistics, telecommunications, security and public services.
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TRANSDATpro - Geodetic Coordinate Transformations
Help for translations of the user interface needed!

Coordinate Transformation

Multi Language Support - Translation to more languages wanted

The detailed electronic documentation of the program TRANSDATpro is available in English and German language only. However, the user interface can be represented in many languages. For this purpose, external language files are used. When starting the program, it notes which language files are available in the calling directory. The found languages then are provided for selection in a list box. By creating new language files, new languages can be added by users to the program TRANSDATpro at any time.

The user interface currently can be displayed in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Bosnian and Slovenian language.

Everybody who is interested can improve the available language files or translate a language files into his native language. A language file provides approx. 1000 lines in the form key=value. In general, the value allegorizes a short text (button designation, menu items etc) which is read and used by the software with the help of the key.

We are looking forward to receive any further languages into which the program TRANSDATpro is translated and would like to publish such language files with the next software release. As reference material the existing language files in English and German, developed by KilletSoft, can be used. Please contact us by E-Mail prior the establishing of a language file, to avoid any overlapping. Please feel free to contact us if you have further questions.

As a reward for the full translation of a language file, the translator will receive a free licensed full version of the program TRANSDATpro!

Brief instruction to create a new language file

To create your own language file follow these steps, please:
Copy the English language file trd_eng.lng or German language file trd_ger.lng to a new directory.

The default file names of the language files have the following format:

'trd'_ + <three character language code> + '.lng'

Rename the file by using the three character language code according to ISO 639-3 in lower case letters. If you do not know the language code, it shall be adjusted later by KilletSoft.

Because the language file is in text format, you can edit it easily with an text editor. Once opened, you see a structure as is depicted here as an example:

;Captions and descriptions of the control elements in the
;window "Selection of file tools"
TEXT1_C=Program to display text files
TEXT2_C=Program to display dBase files
TEXT3_C=Path to store the log file

;Notes and texts in the window "Selection of file tools"
STRING_001=Selection of file tools
STRING_002=Program to display text files
STRING_003=Program to display dBase files
STRING_004=Path to store the log file
STRING_006=All files
STRING_007=One of the selected programs could not be found
STRING_008=The selected path is not correct

The language file is divided into sections. In the example, two sections with the names [DLGEDITOR_CONTROL] and [DLGEDITOR_STRING] are available. On the basis of the sections the program finds for example all texts for a particular window. The names of the sections may not be changed! The sections are described with comments.

In each section several entries belonging together are grouped. Each entry has a key and a value. The key and the value are separated by the equals sign '='. In the example the section [DLGEDITOR_CONTROL] contains amongst others the entries BUTSUCHTEXTED_C and BUTSUCHDBASEED_C. The keys of the entries may not be changed! The equal sign must be between the key and the value with no extra spaces!

Entries with a key ending '_C' (caption), are shown on the visible area of a menu item or control element of the window surface. Entries whose keys ends with '_D' (description), contain the description of a menu item or control element, which is displayed as tooltip or inserted in the status bar, when moving the mouse over it.

Comments are marked in the language file by a semicolon ';' as the first character in the line. They have inside the language file only an informative function. Comments may be changed.

Now you can translate all text values to another language. The following rules shall be observed:

  1. The length of a text value should correspond approximately to the length of the text value in the original language file.
  2. Entries whose keys ends with '_D' (description), may differ from the length of the text value in the original language file.
  3. The character '&' in the section [WINSHELL_MENUE] is written before the character that is used as menu short cut.
  4. The string <LF> is used for line breaks. The line lengths should correspond approximately to the line lengths in the original language file. The number of line breaks should not be changed.
  5. The string <#> is replaced with a piece of text by the program. It may not be removed from the entry.

Language settings

The first section in the language file is used to identify the language. It looks something like this:

;Settings for the language file
;Attention: LANG_TEXT must be written with ASCII characters only (32 - 127).
;Write umlauts in two character syntax and leave diacritic marks!
LANG_TEXT=English language (Englisch, Anglais, Ingles)
LANG_COPYRIGHT=Killet GeoSoftware Ing.-GbR
LANG_TRANSLATOR=Dipl.-Ing. Fred Killet, KilletSoft
;Enter your name and company or a pseudonym in LANG_TRANSLATOR.

The value contained in the entry LANG_TEXT is used by the program for display in a list box for the language selection. In parentheses, the language will be entered in three other languages. The line must be written with ASCII characters (32 - 127) only. Please write umlauts in two character syntax and leave all diacritic marks (accents)!

In the entry LANG_ISO a three-character language code according to ISO 639-3 will be entered in capital letters, as it is used in the language file name. A list of language codes can be found on the Internet at link_ex this Address. If you do not know the language code, it will be adjusted later by KilletSoft.

The entry LANG_CODEPAGE_FILE contains the number of the character set (code page), in which the language file is stored. This can either be a three or four digit value of the character set for a linguistic region, or the value 65001 for the international character set UTF8, by which the characters of worldwide all languages can be displayed. The language file must be stored with the character set specified in LANG_CODEPAGE_FILE. If you do not know the code-page, the entry will be adjusted later by KilletSoft. The available code-pages are collected here:

874 Thai
932 Japanese
936 Chinese (PRC, Singapore)
949 Korean
950 Chinese (Taiwan, Hong Kong)
1250 Eastern European
1251 Cyrillic
1252 Latin (US, Western Europe)
1253 Greek
1254 Turkish
1255 Hebrew
1256 Arabic
1257 Baltic
1258 Vietnamese
65001 UTF8 code (ISO 10646)

The line LANG_CODEPAGE_COMP contains the number of the character set (code page) which must be set to the computer to display the contents of the language file correct. If the character set on the computer is different from the value in LANG_CODEPAGE_COMP, the program performs a warning when changing the language.

The entry LANG_COPYRIGHT usually contains the company name of KilletSoft.

In the entry LANG_TRANSLATOR you can enter your name or business name or a pseudonym. This entry is optional.

Public use of the language file

Please send the new language file to our E-Mail address. The language file then will be tested by KilletSoft and if necessary it will be adjusted. It is then added to the delivery scope of the program and starting from the next update it is available to all users.

With the submission of the language file to KilletSoft you agree with the public use.

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Author: Dipl.-Ing. Fred Killet
Page name: p_trdm_e.htm
Page views: 48
Period: since Januar 1, 2025