Killet GeoSoftware Ing.-GbR - short: KilletSoft - is a software company, which was established in the year 1991. The society is divided into the ranges "Geodetic Standard Software", "Development Tools for Geoinformatics" and "German Geodata". The focal trades of the companies supplied by KilletSoft are consulting engineers, GIS developers, Internet marketing, public utilities, logistics, telecommunications, security and public services.
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Worldwide Collection of NTv2 files

Download of the NTv2 grid files and origninators information

Here you can find worldwide freely available NTv2 files for direct download. You will also find information about NTv2 files that are not freely available. If a registration is required for the use of an NTv2 file or if the origninator charges a usage fee, the registration address and further information are provided in an info file.

The reference systems of all NTv2 files listed here are fully supported by the Geodetic Development Kit GeoDLL and by the geodetic programs TRANSDATpro, NTv2Poly and NTv2Tools from KilletSoft.

If you want to use the here listed NTv2 files, you must necessarily note the terms and conditions of their originators! All rights and liabilities, resulting from the use of the data, bears solely the user! KilletSoft does not guarantee the accuracy of the data available in the NTv2 files and for the legality of their usage!

Labeling of the entries

The NTv2 files are indicated by colors:

  1. The black shown NTv2 files are freely available and are not restricted.
  2. The green marked NTv2 files have been provided by the originators only for use with KilletSoft products. Therefore, these NTv2 files are encrypted and they only work with the Geodetic Development Kit GeoDLL, with the program TRANSDATpro and other Software by KilletSoft! These files are special licensed to KilletSoft by their originators.
  3. The red marked NTv2 files can be ordered or purchased only directly from their originators. For the registration of the respective NTv2 file with the originator KilletSoft provides the Registration Address of the originator in a downloadable file.
  4. The orange marked NTv2 files are available only as testdata at time. Probably these files will be improved until final release.

Each entry consists of three lines:

  1. In the first line the country, the name and the Reference Systems of the NTv2 file is explained.
  2. In the second line a link to the original web page of the origninator is provided, where mostly the latest version of the NTv2 file can be found.
  3. In the third line is a link, from which the NTv2 file can be download direct from the KilletSoft server.

It is recommended to use the original NTv2 files of the originators if possible, because the actuality of the files stored on the KilletSoft server cannot be guaranteed.

NTv2 solutions sorted alphabetically by continents and countries

  1. link_in European continent
  2. link_in North American continent
  3. link_in Central America and Caribbean
  4. link_in South American continent
  5. link_in Asian continent
  6. link_in Near East and Middle East
  7. link_in African Kontinent
  8. link_in Australian continent
  9. link_in Polynesia, Indonesia, Mikronesia

European continent link_in Go to Continent Selection

    1. link_in Austria
    2. link_in Belgium
    3. link_in France
    4. link_in Germany
    5. link_in Great Britain
    6. link_in Hungary
    7. link_in Iceland
    8. link_in Ireland
    9. link_in Italy
    10. link_in Netherlands
    11. link_in Portugal
    12. link_in Romania
    13. link_in Spain
    14. link_in Switzerland
    1. Austria link_in Go to Country Selection
    2. Austria: AT_GIS_GRID_2014.gsb, MGI <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex BEV - Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download AT_GIS_GRID_2014
    3. Austria: AT_GIS_GRID_2021.gsb, MGI <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex BEV - Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download AT_GIS_GRID_2021
    1. Belgium link_in Go to Country Selection
    2. Belgium: bd72lb72_etrs89lb08.gsb, BD72 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex NGI - Nationaal Geografisch Instituut.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download bd72lb72_etrs89lb08
    1. France link_in Go to Country Selection
    2. France: NTF_R93.gsb, NTF <==> RGF93
      Originator: link_ex IGN (Institut Géographique National): Projet "Lambert 93".
      KilletSoft: link_in Download NTF_R93
    3. France: FRANCE.gsb, NTF <==> RGF93
      Originator: link_ex Paul Kelly: Creation of NTv2 Grid File for France.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download FRANCE
    1. Germany link_in Go to Country Selection
    2. Germany: BeTA2007.gsb, DHDN90 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download BeTA2007
    3. Germany (Baden-Württemberg): BWTA2017.gsb, DHDN90 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex Landesamt für Geoinformation Baden-Württemberg.
      KilletSoft: link_in Hint about the Download Address
    4. Germany (Bavaria): BY_KanU.gsb (2019), DHDN90 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung.
      KilletSoft: link_in Hint about the Download Address
    5. Germany (Bavaria): NTv2-Ba.gsb (2011), DHDN90 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download Registration Address
    6. Germany (Berlin): Ntv2berlin.gsb, DHDN90 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, Bauen und Wohnen.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download Ntv2berlin (© Senatsverwaltung Berlin)
    7. Germany (Brandenburg): NTv2-BB.gsb (old NTv2 file), S42/83 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex LGB (Landesvermessung und Geobasisinformation Brandenburg).
      KilletSoft: link_in Hint about the Download Address
    8. Germany (Brandenburg): bb3040h.gsb (new NTv2 file), S42/83 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex LGB (Landesvermessung und Geobasisinformation Brandenburg).
      KilletSoft: link_in Download bb3040h (© LGB)
    9. Germany (Bremen): HBTa2010.gsb, DHDN90 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex GeoInformation Bremen.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download HBTa2010 (© GeoInformation Bremen)
    10. Germany (Hamburg): Beta_FHH_NW.gsb, DHDN90 <==> ETRS89
      Germany (Hamburg): NTv2-HH.gsb, DHDN90 <==> ETRS89
      Germany (Hamburg): NTv2-Neuwerk.gsb, DHDN90 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex Landesbetrieb Geoinformation und Vermessung Hamburg.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download NTv2 Hamburg (© GeoInformation Hamburg)
    11. Germany (Hesse): HeTA2010.gsb, DHDN90 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex HVBG - Hessische Verwaltung für Bodenmanagement und Geoinformation.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download HeTA2010 (© HVBG)
    12. Germany (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania): MVTR2010.gsb, RD83 <==> ETRS89
      Germany (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania): MVTRS4283.gsb, S42/83 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex DVZ Datenverwaltumszentrum Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GmbH.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download Ntv2 Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (© DVZ MV GmbH)
    13. Germany (North Rhine-Westphalia): NW_GC1501.gsb, DHDN <==> ETRS89
      KilletSoft: link_in Download NW_GC1501
    14. Germany (Saarland): SeTa2009.gsb, DHDN90 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex LVGL - Landesamt für Vermessung und Geoinformation des Saarlandes.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download SeTa2009
    15. Germany (Saarland): SeTa2016.gsb, DHDN90 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex LVGL - Landesamt für Vermessung und Geoinformation des Saarlandes.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download SeTa2016
    16. Germany (Saxony): SaeTA2010.gsb (5cm), RD83 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex GeoSN - Landesvermessung Sachsen.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download SaeTA2010 (© GeoSN)
    17. Germany (Saxony): NTv2_SN.gsb (3cm), RD83 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex GeoSN - Landesvermessung Sachsen.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download Ntv2_SN (© GeoSN)
    18. Germany (Saxony-Anhalt): NTv2LSBB_LSA.gsb, S42/83 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex Landesstraßenbaubehörde Sachsen-Anhalt (LSBB).
      KilletSoft: link_in Download NTv2LSBB_LSA (© LSBB)
    19. Germany (Schleswig-Holstein): SH2016A.gsb, DHDN <==> ETRS89
      KilletSoft: link_in Download SH2016A
    20. Germany (Thuringia): NTv2GridTh.gsb, PD83 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex TLVermGEO - Landesamt für Vermessung und Geoinformation - Thüringen.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download NTv2GridTh (© TLVermGEO)
    1. Great Britain link_in Go to Country Selection
    2. Great Britain: OSTN02_N.gsb, OSGB36 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex Ordnance Survey: OSTN02 - NTv2 format.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download OSTN02
    3. Great Britain: OSTN15_NTv2_ETRStoOSGB.gsb, OSGB36 <==> ETRS89
      Great Britain: OSTN15_NTv2_OSGBtoETRS.gsb, ETRS89 <==> OSGB36
      Originator: link_ex Ordnance Survey: OSTN15 and OSGM15 for developers.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download OSTN15
    4. Great Britain: ENGLAND.gsb, OSGB36 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex Paul Kelly: OSTN02 in NTv2 format for OSGB36<-->ETRS89.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download ENGLAND
    5. Great Britain: SCOTLAND.gsb, OSGB36 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex Paul Kelly: OSTN02 in NTv2 format for OSGB36<-->ETRS89.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download SCOTLAND
    1. Hungary link_in Go to Country Selection
    2. Hungary: ETRS2EOV.gsb, EOV HD72 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex Budapesti Müszaki es Gazdasagtudomanyi Egyetem.
      The original file etrs2eov.gsb may contain a bug, better to use the file etrs2eov_kor.gsb, corrected by KilletSoft.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download ETRS2EOV
    1. Iceland link_in Go to Country Selection
    2. Iceland: ISN93_ISN2016.gsb, ISN93 <==> ISN2016
      Originator: link_ex Landmælingar Íslands.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download ISN93_ISN2016
    3. Iceland: ISN2004_ISN2016.gsb, ISN2004 <==> ISN2016
      Originator: link_ex Landmælingar Íslands.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download ISN2004_ISN2016
    1. Ireland link_in Go to Country Selection
    2. Ireland: TM75_ETRS89.gsb, TM75 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSI).
      KilletSoft: link_in Download TM75_ETRS89
    1. Italy link_in Go to Country Selection
    2. Italy: NadED50.gsb, ED50 <==> WGS84
      Italy: NadRoma40.gsb, Roma40 <==> WGS84
      Italy: NadRoma40ED50.gsb, Roma40 <==> ED50
      Originator: link_ex GLOBO - Grigliati NTv2 per l'Italia".
      KilletSoft: link_in Download NadRoma40Ed50
    3. Italy (Emilia Romagna): RER_AD400_MM_ED50_V1A.gsb, Roma40 <==> ED50
      Italy (Emilia Romagna): RER_AD400_MM_ETRS89_V1A.gsb, Roma40 <==> ETRS89
      Italy (Emilia Romagna): RER_ED50_MM_ETRS89_GPS7_K2.gsb, ED50 <==> ETRS89
      Italy (Emilia Romagna): RER_MM_ED50_GPS7_K2.gsb, Roma40 <==> ED50
      Italy (Emilia Romagna): RER_MM_ETRS89_GPS7_K2.gsb, Roma40 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex ER Geoportale - Regione Emilia-Romagna".
      KilletSoft: link_in Download Rer_V1A_K2
    1. Netherlands link_in Go to Country Selection
    2. Netherlands: RDTRANS2018.gsb, RD/NAP <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex Netherlands - Kadaster and Rijkswaterstaat (DID and RDNAP).
      KilletSoft: link_in Download RDTRANS2018
    3. Netherlands: RDTRANS2008.gsb, RD/NAP <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex Netherlands - Kadaster and Rijkswaterstaat (DID and RDNAP).
      KilletSoft: link_in Download RDTRANS2008
    1. Portugal link_in Go to Country Selection
    2. Portugal: D73_ETRS89_geo.gsb, D73 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex Direção-Geral do Território.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download D73_ETRS89_geo
    3. Portugal: DLX_ETRS89_geo.gsb, DLX <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex Direção-Geral do Território.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download DLX_ETRS89_geo
    4. Portugal: PT73_E89.gsb, D73 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex A vida de um Informático.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download PT73_E89
    5. Portugal: PTLX_E89.gsb, DLX <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex A vida de um Informático.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download PTLX_E89
    6. Portugal: PTBL_E89.gsb, B-DLX <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex A vida de um Informático.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download PTBL_E89
    7. Portugal: PTED_E89.gsb, ED50 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex A vida de um Informático.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download PTED_E89
    1. Romania link_in Go to Country Selection
    2. Romania: Stereo70_ETRS89.gsb, Stereo70 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex Centrul National de Cartografie Romania.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download Stereo70_ETRS89
    1. Spain link_in Go to Country Selection
    2. Spain (Peninsula 2009): PENR2009.gsb (=R2009V2.gsb), ED50 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex Instituto Geografico Nacional - Ministerio de Fomento.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download PENR2009
    3. Spain (Baleares 2009): BALR2009.gsb, ED50 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex Instituto Geografico Nacional - Ministerio de Fomento.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download BALR2009
    4. Spain (Pen + Bal 2003): SPED2ET.gsb, ED50 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex Instituto Geografico Nacional - Ministerio de Fomento.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download SPED2ET
    1. Switzerland link_in Go to Country Selection
    2. Switzerland: CHENYX06etrs.gsb, CH1903 <==> ETRS89
      Originator: link_ex Bundesamt für Landestopographie swisstopo: CHenyx06etrs.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download CHENYX06etrs
    3. Switzerland: CHENYX06a.gsb, CH1903 <==> CH1903+
      Originator: link_ex Bundesamt für Landestopographie swisstopo: CHenyx06a.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download CHENYX06a

North American continent link_in Go to Continent Selection

    1. link_in United States
    2. link_in Canada
    1. United States link_in Go to Country Selection
    2. United States (HARN/HPGN): xxhpgn.gsb, 49 files, NAD83(HARN) <==> NAD83
      Originator: link_ex OSGeo Download Server: hpgn_ntv2.zip.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download HARN_HPGN_NTV2
    1. Canada link_in Go to Country Selection
    2. Canada: NTV2_0.gsb, NAD27 <==> NAD83
      Originator: link_ex Natural Resources Canada: Canadian Spatial Reference System - NTv2.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download NTV2_0
    3. Canada (Alberta): ABCSRSv4.gsb, NAD83 <==> NAD83(CSRS)
      Originator: link_ex Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download Registration Address
    4. Canada (Alberta): ABCSRSv7.gsb, NAD83 <==> NAD83(CSRS)
      Originator: link_ex Alberta Government - Environment - Open Government.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download ABCSRSv7
    5. Kanada (British Columbia): BC_27_98.gsb, NAD27 <==> NAD83(CSRS98)
      Originator: link_ex GeoBC - Reference Systems and Survey Monuments.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download BC_27_98
    6. Kanada (British Columbia): CRD27_00.gsb, NAD27 <==> NAD83(CRD2000)
      Originator: link_ex GeoBC - Reference Systems and Survey Monuments.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download CRD27_00
    7. Kanada (British Columbia Vanc. Isl.): NVI27_05.gsb, NAD27 <==> NAD83(NVI2005)
      Originator: link_ex GeoBC - Reference Systems and Survey Monuments.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download NVI27_05
    8. Kanada (British Columbia): BC_27_05.gsb, NAD27 <==> NAD83(BC2005)
      Originator: link_ex GeoBC - Reference Systems and Survey Monuments.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download BC_27_05
    9. Kanada (British Columbia): BC_93_98.gsb, NAD83(NMIP93) <==> NAD83(CSRS98)
      Originator: link_ex GeoBC - Reference Systems and Survey Monuments.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download BC_93_98
    10. Kanada (British Columbia): CRD98_00.gsb, NAD83(CSRS98) <==> NAD83(CRD2000)
      Originator: link_ex GeoBC - Reference Systems and Survey Monuments.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download CRD98_00
    11. Kanada (British Columbia): CRD93_00.gsb, NAD83(NMIP93) <==> NAD83(CRD2000)
      Originator: link_ex GeoBC - Reference Systems and Survey Monuments.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download CRD93_00
    12. Kanada (British Columbia): BC_98_05.gsb, NAD83(CSRS98) <==> NAD83(BC2005)
      Originator: link_ex GeoBC - Reference Systems and Survey Monuments.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download BC_98_05
    13. Kanada (British Columbia): BC_93_05.gsb, NAD83(NMIP93) <==> NAD83(BC2005)
      Originator: link_ex GeoBC - Reference Systems and Survey Monuments.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download BC_93_05
    14. Kanada (British Columbia Vanc. Isl.): NVI98_05.gsb, NAD83(CSRS98) <==> NAD83(NVI2005)
      Originator: link_ex GeoBC - Reference Systems and Survey Monuments.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download NVI98_05
    15. Kanada (British Columbia Vanc. Isl.): NVI93_05.gsb, NAD83(NMIP93) <==> NAD83(NVI2005)
      Originator: link_ex GeoBC - Reference Systems and Survey Monuments.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download NVI93_05
    16. Canada (New Brunswick): NB2783V2.gsb, NAD27 <==> NAD83(CSRS)
      Originator: link_ex Service New Brunswick - GeoNB.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download NB2783V2
    17. Canada (New Brunswick): NB7783V2.gsb, ATS77 <==> NAD83(CSRS)
      Originator: link_ex Service New Brunswick - GeoNB.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download NB7783V2
    18. Kanada (Newfoundland / Labrador): NLCSRSV4A.gsb, NAD83 <==> NAD83(CSRS)
      Originator: link_ex Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download Registration Address
    19. Kanada (Nova Scotia): NS778301.gsb, ATS77 <==> NAD83(CSRS97 ±15cm)
      Originator: link_ex Geographical Information Sciences Centre.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download NS778301
    20. Kanada (Nova Scotia): NS778302.gsb, ATS77 <==> NAD83(CSRS2010 ±5cm)
      Originator: link_ex Geographical Information Sciences Centre.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download NS778302
    21. Kanada (Nova Scotia): GS7783.gsb, ATS77 <==> NAD83(±50cm)
      Originator: link_ex Geographical Information Sciences Centre.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download GS7783
    22. Canada (Ontario): MAY76V20.gsb, NAD27(1976) <==> NAD83(ORIG)
      Originator: E-Mail Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download Registration Address
    23. Canada (Ontario): ON27CSV1.gsb, NAD27(1974) <==> NAD83(CSRS)
      Originator: E-Mail Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download Registration Address
    24. Canada (Ontario): ON27CSV1.gsb, NAD27(1976) <==> NAD83(CSRS)
      Originator: E-Mail Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download Registration Address
    25. Canada (Ontario): ON83CSV1.gsb, NAD83(ORIG) <==> NAD83(CSRS)
      Originator: E-Mail Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download Registration Address
    26. Canada (Prince Edward Island): PE7783V2.gsb, ATS77 <==> NAD83(CSRS98)
      Originator: link_ex PEI Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download PE7783V2
    27. Canada (Quebec): CQ77NA83.gsb (Esri CGQ77-83), NAD27(CGQ77) <==> NAD83
      Originator: link_ex Géoboutique Québec, Ministère des Ressources naturelles.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download CQ77NA83
    28. Canada (Quebec): CQ77CSRS.gsb (Esri CGQ77-98), NAD27(CGQ77) <==> NAD83(CSRS)
      Originator: link_ex Géoboutique Québec, Ministère des Ressources naturelles.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download CQ77CSRS
    29. Canada (Quebec): NA27NA83.gsb (Esri QUE27-83), NAD27 <==> NAD83
      Originator: link_ex Géoboutique Québec, Ministère des Ressources naturelles.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download NA27NA83
    30. Canada (Quebec): NA27CSRS.gsb (Esri QUE27-98), NAD27 <==> NAD83(CSRS)
      Originator: link_ex Géoboutique Québec, Ministère des Ressources naturelles.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download NA27CSRS
    31. Canada (Quebec): NA83CSRS.gsb (Esri NAS83-98), NAD83 <==> NAD83(CSRS)
      Originator: link_ex Géoboutique Québec, Ministère des Ressources naturelles.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download NA83CSRS
    32. Canada (Saskatchewan): SK27-83.gsb, NAD27 <==> NAD83
      Originator: link_ex GeoSask - Saskatchewans Service for Maps and Land Information.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download SK27-83
    33. Canada (Saskatchewan): SK27-98.gsb, NAD27 <==> NAD83(CSRS98)
      Originator: link_ex GeoSask - Saskatchewans Service for Maps and Land Information.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download SK27-98
    34. Canada (Saskatchewan): SK83-98.gsb, NAD83 <==> NAD83(CSRS98)
      Originator: link_ex GeoSask - Saskatchewans Service for Maps and Land Information.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download SK83-98

Central America and Caribbean link_in Go to Continent Selection

    1. No NTv2 files yet

South American continent link_in Go to Continent Selection

    1. link_in Brazil
    2. link_in Venezuela
    1. Brazil link_in Go to Country Selection
    2. Brazil: CA61_003.gsb, CorregoAlegre1961 <==> SIRGAS2000
      Originator: link_ex IBGE - Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download CA61_003
    3. Brazil: CA7072_003.gsb, CorregoAlegre1970/72 <==> SIRGAS2000
      Originator: link_ex IBGE - Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download CA7072_003
    4. Brazil: SAD69_003.gsb, SAD69 <==> SIRGAS2000
      Originator: link_ex IBGE - Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download SAD69_003
    5. Brazil: SAD96_003.gsb, SAD69(96) <==> SIRGAS2000
      Originator: link_ex IBGE - Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download SAD96_003
    1. Venezuela link_in Go to Country Selection
    2. Venezuela: CANOA_WGS84_mb.gsb, La Canoa <==> WGS84
      Originator: link_ex eye4software - Juan Lucas Domínguez Rubio.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download CANOA_WGS84_mb

Asian continent link_in Go to Continent Selection

    1. link_in Japan
    1. Japan link_in Go to Country Selection
    2. Japan: tky2jgd.gsb, JGD2000 <==> JGD2011
      Originator: link_ex GitHub / tohka JapanGridShift.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download tky2jgd
    3. Japan: touhokutaiheiyouoki2011.gsb, Tokyo <==> JGD2000
      Originator: link_ex GitHub / tohka JapanGridShift.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download touhokutaiheiyouoki2011

Near East and Middle East link_in Go to Continent Selection

    1. link_in Lebanon
    1. Lebanon link_in Go to Country Selection
    2. Lebanon: LB_DeirEzZor.gsb, WGS84 <==> DeirEzZor
      Urheber: not specified
      KilletSoft: link_in Download LB_DeirEzZor

African continent link_in Go to Continent Selection

    1. No NTv2 files yet

Australian continent link_in Go to Continent Selection

    1. link_in Australia
    2. link_in New Zealand
    1. Australia link_in Go to Country Selection
    2. Australia: GDA94_GDA2020_conformal.gsb, GDA2020 <==> GDA94
      Originator: link_ex ICSM GitHub transformation grid repository.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download GDA94_GDA2020_C
    3. Australia: GDA94_GDA2020_conformal_and_distortion.gsb, GDA2020 <==> GDA94
      Originator: link_ex ICSM GitHub transformation grid repository.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download GDA94_GDA2020_CD
    4. Australia: National_84_dd_mm_yy.gsb (A84_NAT.gsb), AGD84 <==> GDA94
      Originator: link_ex ICSM GitHub transformation grid repository.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download A84_NAT
    5. Australia: A66_National_dd_mm_yy.gsb (A66_NAT.gsb), AGD66 <==> GDA94
      Originator: link_ex ICSM GitHub transformation grid repository.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download A66_NAT
    1. New Zealand link_in Go to Country Selection
    2. New Zealand: NZGD2KGR.gsb, NZGD49 <==> NZGD2000
      Originator: link_ex Land Information New Zealand: Download Geodetic Software.
      KilletSoft: link_in Download NZGD2KGR

Polynesia, Indonesia, Mikronesia link_in Go to Countinent Selection

    1. No NTv2 files yet
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Modeling an NTv2 file under the aspect of economic efficiency.
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All databases has been updated to the data conditions of January 1st, 2024.
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Display Formats of UTM Coordinates.
Third revised edition of the popular technical article.
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What actually is a Coordinate Reference System?
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Author: Dipl.-Ing. Fred Killet
Page name: t_ntv2_e.htm
Page views: 1689
Period: since Januar 1, 2024