Killet GeoSoftware Ing.-GbR - short: KilletSoft - is a software company, which was established in the year 1991. The society is divided into the ranges "Geodetic Standard Software", "Development Tools for Geoinformatics" and "German Geodata". The focal trades of the companies supplied by KilletSoft are consulting engineers, GIS developers, Internet marketing, public utilities, logistics, telecommunications, security and public services.
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Pricing and Online Orders of KilletSoft products

Offer, Price List and Print Order Form

The price list shown here can be Print price list printed, completed and sent as a fax or in a window envelope as an order. It can be used likewise as a for KilletSoft binding offer. In addition you can use the safe online order forms specified above.

Price list 10 April 2024                          All older lists are invalid!

   To                                               Phone:  +49 (0)2152 961127
   Killet GeoSoftware Ing.-GbR                        Fax:  +49 (0)2152 961128
   Escheln 28a
   47906 Kempen              Internet:  https://www.killetsoft.de/s_prei_e.htm
   Germany                                       Online E-Mail:  E-Mail Click here!

link_in Top / Online order links
Geodetic programs                                               plus legal VAT
[  ] TRANSDATpro Geodetic Coordinate Transformations               EUR  260.00
[  ] SEVENPAR    Modeling of Helmert Parameters Sets               EUR  260.00
[  ] NTv2Creator Modeling of NTv2 files                            EUR  490.00
[  ] NTv2Poly    Polygonal Validity Scopes in NTv2 files           EUR  190.00
[  ] NTv2Tools   Tools for manipulating NTv2 files                 EUR  190.00
[  ] TOPOWIN     Topographic information system of Germany         EUR  110.00
[  ] ORTWIN      German wide municipal and domicile register       EUR  110.00
  License types for this software:
  [  ] Single license  for use on a single computer            Price times 1.0
  [  ] Network license for use of all clients on a network     Price times 2.5
  [  ] General license for use on all computers and networks   Price times 4.0
  [  ] Update          to the latest version                   Price times 0.5
  [  ] Upgrade         to a higher license                    Price difference

link_in Top / Online order links
GeoDLL - Geodetic Development Kit 32 and 64Bit                  plus legal VAT
[  ] GDLLTRANS   GeoDLL Func. group "Coordinate Transformations"   EUR  600.00
[  ] GDLLNTV2TR  GeoDLL Additional group "NTv2 Transformations"    EUR  400.00
[  ] GDLLNTV2TO  GeoDLL Function group "NTv2 Tools"                EUR  400.00
[  ] GDLLDEFIN   GeoDLL Function group "User Definitions"          EUR  400.00
[  ] GDLLPARA    GeoDLL Function group "Parameter Determination"   EUR  400.00
[  ] GDLLDIST    GeoDLL Function group "Distance Calculations"     EUR  200.00
[  ] GDLLNOTAT   GeoDLL Function group "Notation Calculations"     EUR  200.00
[  ] GDLLMAPS    GeoDLL Function group "Map Calculations"          EUR  200.00
[  ] GDLLELEV    GeoDLL Function group "Elevation Calculations"    EUR  400.00
[  ] GDLLTRPAR   GeoDLL Function group "Transformation Parameter"  EUR  400.00
[  ] GDLLTMZON   GeoDLL Function group "Time Zone Calculations"    EUR  400.00
[  ] GDLLALL     GeoDLL complete with all Function groups          EUR 2500.00
[  ] GDLLSOURCE  GeoDLL complete C++ source code of all groups     EUR 5000.00
  License types for this software:
  [  ] Intern license  for company internal use only           Price times 1.0
  [  ] Single license  for single client or internet applicat. Price times 1.0
  [  ] General license for several clients and internet appl.  Price times 2.5
  [  ] Update          to the latest version                   Price times 0.5
  [  ] Upgrade         to a higher license                    Price difference

link_in Top / Online order links
Miscellaneous geodetic development tools                        plus legal VAT
[  ] CONVERT     Data Converter (private use)                      EUR    0.00
[  ] CONVERT     Data Converter (commercial use)                   EUR   45.00
  License types for this software:
  [  ] Single license  for use on a single workstation         Price times 1.0
  [  ] General license for all workstat. of one subsidiary     Price times 4.0
  [  ] Update          to the latest version                   Price times 0.5

link_in Top / Online order links
Geodata Germany                                                 plus legal VAT
[  ] ORTGEM      Towns, municipalities                             EUR  240.00
[  ] ORTREF      Towns, municipalities + georeferences             EUR  480.00
[  ] ORTTLGEM    Urban districts                                   EUR  320.00
[  ] ORTTLREF    Urban districts +  georeferences                  EUR  640.00
[  ] PLZGEM      Postal codes                                      EUR  240.00
[  ] PLZREF      Postal codes + georeferences                      EUR  480.00
[  ] VORWGEM     Phone area codes                                  EUR  240.00
[  ] VORWREF     Phone area codes + georeferences                  EUR  480.00
[  ] KREIS       Counties and rural districts                      EUR  100.00
[  ] REGBEZ      Administrative regions                            EUR   20.00
[  ] LAND        Federal states                                    EUR   25.00
[  ] LANDSCH     Landscapes                                        EUR  200.00
[  ] NATRAUM     Nature area classification                        EUR  200.00
[  ] LASTEN      Snow and wind load zones                          EUR  360.00
[  ] SOLAR       Solar irradiation and weather data                EUR  300.00
[  ] REISEGEB    Travel areas and urban specificity                EUR  100.00
[  ] TK25        Topographic maps 1:25000 info                     EUR  200.00
[  ] TK50        Topographic maps 1:50000 info                     EUR  100.00
[  ] TK100       Topographic maps 1:100000 info                    EUR   50.00
[  ] TK200       Topographic survey maps 1:200000 info             EUR   25.00
  License types for this software:
  [  ] Single license  for single client or internet applicat. Price times 1.0
  [  ] General license for several clients and internet appl.  Price times 2.5
  [  ] Upgrade         to a license with georeferences       Price difference
  [  ] Update          to the latest version         Price times 0.15 per year

link_in Top / Online order links
Payment and Shipment
Our General Terms and Conditions apply. For all payment methods, you will
receive a taxable invoice. The listed prices prices are net prices excluding
Value Added Tax. For deliveries within Germany or to EU Member States without
proof of a VAT-ID, the Value Added Tax will be charged additionally. All other
deliveries are exempted from VAT.

[  ] Payment by paylink with credit or debit card and fast E-Mail delivery
     You will receive an advance invoice and a paylink by E-Mail. On the
     paylink page you can pay with your credit card or debit card. You get
     the software and the original invoice by E-Mail after payment

[  ] Advance Bank Payment and E-Mail delivery after money receipt.
     You will receive an advance invoice by E-Mail. You transfer the amount
     to our bank account. You get the software and the original invoice by
     E-Mail after payment

[  ] Advance PayPal Payment and E-Mail delivery after money receipts.
     You will receive an advance invoice by E-Mail. You transfer the amount
     to our PayPal account. You get the software and the original invoice
     by E-Mail after payment

Info for E-Mail Shipment
You download the unlockable trial version of the software from the Internet
and receive the unlock code as a PDF document by E-Mail. You will receive
ZIP-compressed geodata directly by E-Mail or as a download link. You will
also receive the original invoice and the license agreement as PDF documents
by E-Mail. No shipping costs will be charged!

Info about Paylink
A paylink is a modern form of e-commerce that enables customers to pay for
an online purchase with credit cards or debit cards. The advantage of a
paylink is the speed and simplicity of the payment process. The paylink
leads to the payment page of a trustworthy e-commerce company. The payment
page is subject to a high security standard. KilletSoft has no knowledge
of your sensitive card details.

Sender (please print)
Address(do not forget the country):>    Date and signature:>
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Phone:>                                 E-Mail:>
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VAT-ID:>                                Our VAT-ID: DE225292983
(only needed if shipment outside Germany to EU Member States)
KilletSoft News In order that you are always well informed about our company, we write actual news, current information and special offers here into this column.
KilletSoft Logo Geodata Germany
All database tables have been updated to the data status of January 1, 2025.
KilletSoft Logo ORTWIN / TOPOWIN
The programs have been equipped with current geodata from January 1, 2025.
link_in Description ORTWIN...
link_in Description TOPOWIN...
KilletSoft Logo Newsletter
Our quarterly newsletter informs you about important innovations, updates of our software and interesting geodetic topics. link_in Register now...
KilletSoft Logo KilletSoft supplies NASA
We supply NASA with the geodetic programs TRANSDATpro and SEVENPAR.
KilletSoft Logo New work sheet
Modeling an NTv2 file under the aspect of economic efficiency.
link_in Read the work sheet...
KilletSoft Logo New work sheet
Display Formats of UTM Coordinates.
Third revised edition of the popular technical article.
link_in Read the work sheet...
KilletSoft Logo New work sheet
What actually is a Coordinate Reference System?
Second revised edition.
link_in Read the work sheet...
KilletSoft Logo Illegal software versions
The illegal use of our software got out of control!
link_in Read our Info...
KilletSoft Logo NTv2 collection
KilletSoft has collated NTv2 files worldwide into a collection on a central website and linked them for download.
link_in Read the Press Release...
link_in To the NTv2 collection...
KilletSoft Logo is member of
VDV Logo
Author: Dipl.-Ing. Fred Killet
Page name: s_prei_e.htm
Page views: 187
Period: since Januar 1, 2025