Killet GeoSoftware Ing.-GbR - short: KilletSoft - is a software company, which was established in the year 1991. The society is divided into the ranges "Geodetic Standard Software", "Development Tools for Geoinformatics" and "German Geodata". The focal trades of the companies supplied by KilletSoft are consulting engineers, GIS developers, Internet marketing, public utilities, logistics, telecommunications, security and public services.
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Tips, Tricks, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Answers by KilletSoft

FAQ FAQ means "Frequently Asked Questions". Some questions arise again and again. In the FAQ section you will find the answers to such frequently asked questions. The questions are sorted by topics.
Many of the questions answered here are user feedback, which means, the answers are the result of questions that customers have addressed directly to us. Our answers contain many tips and tricks for using KilletSoft software. Therefore, it is worthwhile to take a closer look to the FAQ section.
If your question can not be answered here, please contact us by link_in phone or E-Mail. We also gladly would take your suggestions, tips and tricks into our FAQ section.

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General questions, which affect all products

How do I find out that a product has released an important update?

You can subscribe to our link_in mailing list to be informed automatically via E-Mail notifications about important updates and innovations. The information will be sent when needed approximately 1-2 times per quarter. There are listed all changes and enhancements of our products since the last E-Mail notification. On the above-mentioned web page you can also unsubscribe from the mailing list .

What must I do to get an update of a GeoProgram or GeoTool?

Please download first the latest version of the software from the Internet. Do not overwrite your old software version when you install the new one. If the purchase of your license is not longer ago than one year, the unlock parameters are still be functional. If not, you need to buy new unlock parameters for a low update price.

How much is actually the update of a product?

Updates of our GeoPrograms and GeoTools cost always the half current price of the respective license. The price for an update of our GeoData is calculated in relation to the past years since the purchase or the last update. For details please have a look to the price list. If you order an update, please give us the number of your software license.

Is there a printed user manual for the program?

In order to be flexible and to be able to respond quickly on modifications in a program, there is no rigid printout as user manuals available. Instead, a very comfortable and extensive help file in MS-Help format is supplied, which can be opened by simple mouse clicks or from the menu bar of the program. The themes of this help file can also be printed.

Is the KilletSoft software runnable under the latest WINDOWS operating systems?

With the releases of each new WINDOWS operating system, we have adjusted our programs TRANSDATpro, SEVENPAR, NTv2Poly, NTv2Tools, NTv2Creator, ORTWIN, TOPOWIN and CONVERT as well as the Geodetic Development Tool GeoDLL to some special features of the new operating system (see files history.doc). This programs and tools have been certificated by Microsoft as "WINDOWS© compatible" and so they comply with the compatibility standards of the Microsoft operating systems. The spatial data distributed by KilletSoft are not affected by the operating system. Our own tests have shown that programs, tools and spatial data can be used with the latest MICROSOFT operating systems without any problems. Until now there has been no negative indications from our customers regarding the compatibility of our products with that operating systems.

Run the KilletSoft programs on WINDOWS 64-bit operating systems?

Yes, all KilletSoft programs and tools run without any problems on 64-bit WINDOWS Operating systems

Why is it not possible to unlock the latest program version with my unlock code?

You can update all KilletSoft programs and tools free as long as one of the following criterias match:

  1. The major version number (left from decimal point) matches the version number in your software license.
  2. The purchase of your license is no longer than one year ago.

After that, you can buy a low-priced update license and you get a new unlock code.
If you accidentally installed a newer version over your licensed version, you can reinstall the program or tool anytime from the delivered original CD or from the back then downloaded original ZIP file, and then activate it with your unlock code.

Are KilletSoft programs equipped with digital signatures?

Yes, all programs and tools are equipped with digital signatures. In addition, the installation programs are digital signed. Please make sure to download our software exclusively from our website https://www.killetsoft.de. KilletSoft guarantees the integrity and virus scanning of all programs downloaded from the KilletSoft website. Downloads of our programs from other sources often contain unwanted additional software, Trojans or other malware. Downloads of our programs from so-called crack sites are highly dangerous as they nearly always contain viruses.

Reinstallation after computer change - Unlock parameters lost - What to do?

The unlock parameters and the version of the software must match. It is not possible to activate a currently downloaded program with the unlock parameters from prior years. There are the following options:

  1. If you still have the original CD or ZIP file and you have the original unlock parameters, install the software on the new computer and unlock it.
  2. If you still have the original CD or ZIP file and you lost the unlock parameters, KilletSoft can send you the unlock parameters for installing the old software.
  3. In all other cases you can buy an update for the half price of the normal version and then you install the latest software with new unlock parameters.

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General questions about licenses of KilletSoft products

How long does the unlock key of a GeoProgram or GeoTool applies for the latest updates?

With purchasing you have received a document with the version number and the unlock key. You can update all KilletSoft programs and tools free as long as one of the following criterias match:

  1. The major version number (left from decimal point) matches the version number in your software license.
  2. The purchase of your license is no longer than one year ago.

You can always download the latest updates of our GeoPrograms and GeoTools from our website. After expiration of the free update option, you can buy a low-priced update license and you get a new unlock code. Then the free update option starts again.

May ANY user work on one computer with there installed KilletSoft programs?

Yes, that is true, if you have purchased a single user license and the user works direct at that computer with the program and he has no network access from an other workstation. The user therefore must operate DIRECTLY at the computer on which the software is installed. Whether there are different users in a chronological sequence is irrelevant, because the license is valid for one work place. With a network license any number of users may have access to the program through a network within the scope of the license conditions. In case of a general license any number of users may have access to the program either directly at their work place or through a network within the scope of the license conditions.

How do I install my licensed program on a new computer?

Install the program from the installation CD or from the zip file you received by E-Mail. Enter your unlock parameters obtained from KilletSoft. Alternatively, you can purchase an inexpensive update of the latest version and get then a new installation CD and new unlock parameters.

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Questions about TRANSDATpro - Geodetic Coordinate Transformations

What is the difference between the basic and the professional edition of TRANSDAT?

Since April 2019 no distinction is made between the basic version and the professional version of the program. The new TRANSDATpro has the full function scope of the former TRANSDAT professional version.

Can I still purchase an update for my old TRANSDATbasic?

Yes, after discontinuing the distribution of TRANSDATbasic an update can still be purchased at any time. You even have the benefit that the update also includes the upgrade from TRANSDATbasic to TRANSDATpro. TRANSDATpro has a much higher function scope compared to the old TRANSDATbasis.

How does TRANSDATpro react if the subgrids of an NTv2 file overlap?

A NTv2 file contains one or more low accuracy base grids (parent). Certain areas such as cities can have high accuracy local sub grids. The sub grids overlay portions of the base grids. If a point is within one of the high accuracy sub grids, NTv2 will use the high accuracy grid, otherwise, the point "falls through" to the suitable low accuracy grid. The sub grids may overlap each other. In this case, the sub grid that has the closest mesh width is found.

What is the quality of the calculations with TRANSDATpro?

The program uses Coordinate Transformation formulas based upon EPSG specifications and publications by Schatz, Schuhr and Klotz and Hooijberg. To achieve the highest precision only strong formula algorithms are used for calculations.

Are there statements about the accuracy of the calculations with TRANSDATpro?

Yes, there were comparative calculations realized with a set of test data from the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Vermessungsverwaltungen der Länder der Bundesrepublik Deutschland" (ADV). Please read the link_in test report.

Is the accuracy of the calculations with TRANSDATpro better than one millimeter?

Yes, it realized an accuracy to the ninth decimal with the set of test data from the ADV. This corresponds to a deviation of about 0.5 millimeters. Please read the link_in test report.

Can I use UTM coordinates available in a strange format with TRANSDATpro?
The easting counts only 6 digits and the northing counts 7-digits.

The coordinates seems to be reduced UTM coordinates with missing zone numbers in the eastings. TRANSDATpro can calculate this coordinates anyway. Please read our publication link_in "Display Formats of UTM Coordinates".

How do I perform a datum change to a Reference System, that is not supported?
I like to transform UTM coordinates from WGS84 to Provisorisional South America - PSAD56.

You need seven Helmert transformation parameters or three Molodensky transformation parameters to perform the datum shift between the Reference Systems WGS84 and PSAD56. Enter these parameters in the fields of the window "User-defined geodetic shift". In the window "User-defined ellipsoids" choose the each used earth ellipsoids used for the source and destination systems. In the TRANSDATpro main window choose for the source and destination Reference Systems each "User-defined geodetic datum shift". This allows to convert worldwide coordinates into any local systems. Please refer to the detailed documentation for the use of user-defined systems in the electronic help file, bedause it is easy to make mistakes here. Parameter sets can be obtained from the competent land authorities, from geodetic literature or you can let us make a research by charge.

Is it possible to convert coordinates of the various German Location Status?
Which Coordinate System and Reference System corresponds e.g. to the German Location Status 489?

Yes, all German Location Status are supported by TRANSDATpro.

The German Location Status LS489 describes the two-dimensional Coordinate System in UTM-mapping in the Reference System ETRS89. The following settings are necessary in the program TRANSDATpro:
Country Group "Germany (DE) - Lagestatus".
Coordinate System "Lagestatus 489, UTM coordinates, ETRS89".
The Reference System "ETRS89 (Europe), geocentric, GRS80" will be set automatically by the program.

Is it possible to save the Location Status for later recall?
The survey agencies of the German Federal States often use defined Location Status (LS110, LS489) for combinations of Coordinate and Reference Systems.

Yes, you can save the current settings of all TRANSDATpro windows in a configuration file. On the main window, click the "Save / Load configuration" button. Enter a comment and use a "talking" file name for the configuration file, such as ls110.kna for the Location Status LS110. When later read back from the configuration file, the there stored settings are adopted to the program.

How can I receive GPS coordinates with the program TRANSDATpro?

It's easy! You only need a notebook with a TRANSDATpro installation and a GPS mouse with USB or serial port. You can buy a GPS-mouse in specialist shops for less then 30 Euros.

Why can I not immediately receive GPS data with my GPS receiver?
In my "John Deere Starfire" receiver the device is configured with the parameters 38400 baud, 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit and Xon/Xoff flow control.

First let TRANSDATpro try to detect the appropriate parameters automatically by pressing the button "Find serial port". If that does not help, you can even select the parameters Port, Baud, Parity Bits and Stop Bits and then press the "Open serial port" button. Important: The GPS device must already send NMEA data, because TRANSDATpro not only opens the serial port, but also checks the reception of correct GPS signals. TRANSDATpro does not expect any flow control. When the connection to the GPS unit has been confirmed by TRANSDATpro, press the "Measure manually" button to check the reception of GPS coordinates.

If your GPS device is configurable, you can set the default values 4800 baud, 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit for testing. The GPS device may not have configured any flow control, for example Xon/Xoff. Turn off the flow control.

Does TRANSDATpro support the German BeTA2007 and other NTv2 files for high-precision Transformations?

Sure! TRANSDATpro has full NTv2 support. It supports any and special NTv2 grid files. How to do Coordinate Transformations with BeTA2007, we have described precisely in the theme link_in The conversion of your geodata from Gauss-Kruger to UTM with BeTA2007. In the same manner TRANSDATpro supports NTv2 grid files of other countries.

Can I involve any NTv2 file for exact coordinates transformations?
I have an NTv2 grid file available for which in TRANSDATpro no specific Reference System is predefined.

Yes, TRANSDATpro supports any NTv2 files! First open the windows "Datum shift with NTv2 grid file" by clicking on the "NTv2" button. Now select your NTv2 file which has a filename extension ".gsb" or ".asc". The NTv2 file parameters of your file are shown. In the main window or TRANSDATpro now select the source and target Coordinate Systems. Then select as Reference Systems "Source Reference System in any NTv2 file" and "Target Reference System in any NTv2 file". Now you can do highly accurate NTv2-based Coordinate Transformations!

Where can I download NTv2 files to use with TRANSDATpro?

KilletSoft has created a website with a link_in collection of NTv2 files. There you can find worldwide freely available NTv2 files for direct download. You will also find information about NTv2 files that are not freely available. The reference systems of all NTv2 files listed there are supported by the geodetic program TRANSDATpro.

Are EXCEL input files also supported by TRANSDATpro?

EXCEL is able to export to dBaseIV and CSV formatted files and to import from them. TRANSDATpro supports EXCEL indirectly by processing dBase and CSV files. The internal EXCEL format is inconsistent and varies widely depending on the EXCEL version. Therefore it is not directly supported by TRANSDATpro.

Why conversions to WGS84 differe over the years?
There is a discrepancy in the conversion between ETRS89 and WGS84 since the last year about 2,5 cm.

The difference between ETRS89 and WGS84 over two or more years is correct, because TRANSDATpro takes account of the continental drift! The ETRS89, which is fixed on the Eurasian plate, moves at a rate of approximately 2.5 cm annually in south west direction under the world fixed WGS84.

Why is only one point of a file conversion shown in Google Earth?
After the successful conversion of coordinates to a KML file, only one point is displayed in Google Earth

You have clicked the "Google Earth" button on the main window, which displays only the last calculated coordinate in Google Earth as a point. To see all points, lines and polygons of the previous generated KML file in Google Earth, you need to open the File Configuration Window with the button "Work with data files" and then click the button "View the output file". The same applies to shape files.

Uses TRANSDATpro the original parameters from the EPSG database?

After entering an EPSG code, TRANSDATpro sets the EPSG-defined coordinate and reference systems and other components in the six list boxes. For fine-tuning all by EPSG predefined settings in the listboxes can be replaced by your own choices. That is necessary, if for example for the reference system several variants of different epochs and resolutions are available. Occasional errors and inaccuracies in the parameters for the coordinate and reference systems used by EPSG have no effect in TRANSDATpro. Instead parameters are used from an own data collection with precise geodetic parameter sets, which KilletSoft has compiled over the years. In the licensed version of the program the adjusted parameter sets can be displayed in a separate window.

Must the ellipsoidal height always be used for coordinate transformations?

In the practical handling of 3D coordinate transformations the ellipsoidal height usually is problematic, because it is often not known. The ellipsoidal height must not be confused with the orthometric height. Even with large height difference of several 100 meters, the horizontal displacement remains very low with a few millimeters. In case of missing ellipsoidal height, it is generally sufficient to do 2D transformations!

Are there some sample data and a sample file for batch processing?

Yes, in the data directory there is a collection of test files for different coordinate transformations in different file formats. Click the menu item Help / Copyright and Information. In the window that opens, you will find the User Data Directory. There are some test data provided. By copying the batch file transdat.$$$ into the Program Data Directory of TRANSDATpro you start the batch with the test data for some calculations.

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Questions about SEVENPAR - Modeling of Helmert Parameter Sets from Identical Points

Is it possible to save all the settings made in SEVNPAR for later reuse?

Yes, you can add a comment for the actual settings and save them in a file with the "Save configuration". Be sure to use a "talking" file name such as for example bes_wgs_dortmund.kns for the determination of Helmert / Molodensky Parameters of identical points in the City of Dortmund on the ellipsoids Bessel and Hayford. When later read back by using the button "Load configuration" the settings stored in the file are all set in the program.

Can I use the SEVENPAR Helmert parameters with the program TRANSDATpro?
I like to use the Helmert transformation parameters, which were calculated by the program SEVENPAR, for Coordinate Transformations with the program TRANSDATpro.

Yes, you can store the calculated Helmert or Molodensky Parameters and the ellipsoids with the buttons "TRANSDATpro Ref. System" and "TRANSDATpro Ellipsoids" in two TRANSDATpro configuration files. In the program TRANSDATpro you open the two windows for the user definitions by using the buttons "User def. geodetic shift" and "User defined ellipsoid". In the two windows you take the settings from the configuration files by using the button "Save / Load Configuration". All Coordinate Transformations with the option "User-defined geodetic datum shift" now are executed with the Helmert or Molodensky Parameters, which has been generated with the program SEVENPAR.

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Questions about NTv2Creator - Modeling of NTv2 files from Identical Point

Does the software NTv2Creator allow to create NTv2 subgrids?

No, NTv2Creator can create an NTv2 file with only one grid. But with our software NTv2Tools you can join several grids together. You can use NTv2Tools to insert a grid created with NTv2Creator as subgrid into an already existing NTv2 file. For more information please have a look to link_in NTv2Tools. Alternatively, with some knowledge of the structure of NTv2 files, it is easily possible to manually insert NTv2 grids into NTv2 ASCII files.

The NTv2Creator help says that the program calculates Helmert Seven Parameter Sets for small areas to create high accuracy grid points. How does this work?

For each grid point to be generated in the NTv2 file, nearby identical points are searched. If at least five points have been found, a Helmert Seven Parameter Transformation Set is generated from them, using the Helmert formulas. This Transformation Set then is used to calculate the difference between both Reference Systems at the NTv2 grid point.

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Questions about NTv2Poly - Inserting Polygonal Validity Scopes into NTv2 Files

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Questions about NTv2Tools - Tools for manipulating NTv2 files

Can the NTv2Tools program handle very large NTv2 files?

Since some time there exist very large NTv2 files for the transformation of geospatial data of the real estate cadastre. For example, the ASCII file NTv2_BY_gesamt.gsa is about 8.8 gigabytes in size and the binary variant NTv2_BY_gesamt.gsb is still nearly 3.5 gigabytes large. Many software products can only process the file size of the file area addressable with a "long integer" of about 2.2 gigabytes. NTv2Tools can process NTv2 files of almost any size in all workspaces.

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Questions about TOPOWIN - Topographic Register

Does the program TOPOWIN contain displayable maps?

No, the program provides information on the topographic maps of 1:5,000 to 1:200,000 scales in use in the Federal Republic of Germany as databases. It does not include the geometries of the maps.

How timely are the databases in TOPOWIN?

All data tables, such as maps parameters, localities, postal codes, spatial data etc. will be updated in March / April each year. Until then KilletSoft collects the data, valid at the year change, from the competent authorities and organizations and updates the program to the data status 1st January.

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Questions about ORTWIN - Local Register

How timely are the databases in ORTWIN?

All data tables, such as localities, postal codes, telefon pre-selections, spatial data etc. will be updated in March / April each year. Until then KilletSoft collects the data, valid at the year change, from the competent authorities and organizations and updates the program to the data status 1st January.

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Questions about Geodata Germany

Can I get some free trial data from the table "Geodata Germany"?

Please download test data and detailed descriptions of all the data tables of the product "Geodata Germany" from the website link_in https://www.killetsoft.de/p_dgda_e.htm.

Are all urban districts of german towns and municipalities contained in ORTTLREF / ORTTLGEM?

Quarters / neighbourhoods are not recorded administratively like cities and towns. For this reason the question, wether all districts / quarters / neighbourhoods are included in the data set, can not be answered. There are more than 100 thousand districts are included in the dataset.

There is also no boundary between the districts of a city or municipality. The coordinate of a district represents either the center of life in the district or the geographical center.

The special city districts, such as those in Berlin or Leipzig, are an exception. These city districts are administrative units with their own boundaries. They are all included in the dataset.

Are beside the urban districts also towns and municipalities contained in ORTTLREF / ORTTLGEM?

In the tables, a district is listed as the main district for all cities and municipalities. This is marked in the data field "Weighting" with a "0". As a rule, the administration of the city or municipality is located in the main town district or it is the city center. However, many supplementary data on the cities and municipalities are only contained in the tables ORTREF and ORTGEM.

Why in PLZGEM / PLZREF are contained much more data records as ZIP codes are available?

Es gibt viele Zustellgebiete, die sich über mehrere Städte / Gemeinden erstrecken oder mehrere Städte / Gemeinden teilweise überdecken. In den Tabellen PLZGEM und PLZREF sind alle Kombinationen PLZ / AGS (Amtlicher Gemeindeschlüssel) enthalten. So werden die beiden Fälle "Mehrere PLZ innerhalb einer Stadt / Gemeinde" und "Mehrere Städte / Gemeinden innerhalb eines Zustellgebietes" abgedeckt. In den Tabellen sind in allen Datensätzen Kennungen vorhanden, die diesen Sachverhalt wiederspiegeln.

In which data format are the data and can they be ported to MySQL?

Standardmäßig werden alle Tabellen im CSV-Format (direkt in Excel und Access einlesbar) geliefert. Es wird aber ein komfortables Konvertierungsprogramm mitgeliefert, das es ermöglicht beliebige ANSI- und ASCII-Formate, wie MySQL, SDF oder dBase zu erzeugen. So können die Daten absolut problemlos auf beliebigen Plattformen in beliebige DBMS (Datenbank-Management-Systeme), auch in MySQL, importiert werden.

How accurate is the distance calculation with your specified formula of Pythagoras?

Da es sich bei den in den Tabellen enthaltenen Georeferenzen um Mittelpunktskoordinaten handelt, bezieht sich die berechnete Entfernung immer nur auf die Mittelpunkte der Geoobjekte. Die angegebene Formel berechnet eine Gerade in einem zweidimensionalen Koordinatensystem (hier UTM oder Gauß-Krüger). Da diese Koordinatensysteme räumlich vom (gekrümmten) Erdellipsoid in die (gerade) Ebene umgerechnet sind, ist die berechnete Strecke auch gleich der Luftlinienstrecke. UTM und Gauß-Krüger sind rechtwinkelige und metrische Koordinatensystem, die eine hochgenaue Entfernungsberechnung nach Pytagoras zulassen. Die Entfernungsberechnung mit geographischen Koordinaten ist sehr viel aufwendiger. Dabei müssen trigonometrische Funktionen eingesetzt werden.

Why is the resolution of georeferences in telephone dialling codes relatively roughly?

Die kreisfreie Stadt, Stadt oder Gemeinde ist die kleinste politisch erfaßte und definiert umgrenzte Einheit mit einen eindeuten Schlüssel (AGS, Amtlicher Gemeindeschlüssel). Die darin enthaltenen Ortsteile, Bauernschaften und Wohnplätze sind bezüglich ihrer Benennung und Umgrenzung undefiniert und sie besitzen auch keinen eindeutigen Schlüssel. Die Deutsche Telekom bindet ihre Vermittlungseinheiten überwiegend nicht an politische Grenzen, sondern die Verteilung ergibt sich meißt aus rein technischen Gründen. Deshalb ist es nahezu unmöglich, Telefonvorwahlen anderen Einheiten, wie Ortsteilen oder Postleitgebieten eindeutig zuzuordnen. Die Daten der Tabellen VORWREF und VORWGEM geben darüber Auskunft, in welchen kreisfreien Städten, Städten und Gemeinden eine Telefonvorwahl generell genutzt wird. Darüberhinaus ist die Information darin enthalten, welche Telefonvorwahl in einer kreisfreien Stadt, Stadt oder Gemeinde überwiegend zur Verwendung kommt.

Are the georeferences available as Gauss-Krueger coordinates?

Ja, die Georeferenzen der verschiedenen Datenbanktabellen liegen als Geographische Koordinaten (Bessel, DHDN), als Gauß-Krüger-Koordinaten (Bessel, DHDN) und als UTM-Koordinaten (GRS80, WGS84/ETRS89) vor. Gauß-Krüger- und UTM-Koordinaten sind bundesweit auf einen einzigen Meridianstreifen umgerechnet worden, damit Entfernungsberechnungen ganz einfach mit dem Satz des Pytagoras (WurzelAusAQuadratPlusBQuadrat) durchgeführt werden können. Auf Wunsch rechnen wir die Koordinaten auch in ein anderes System um.

Include PLZREF / PLZGEM the ZIP codes of multiple delivery areas in large cities?

Ja, in den Tabellen sind die Postleitzahlen aller Zustellbezirke und aller Postfachschränke enthalten. Über den als Primärschlüssel in den Tabellen verwendeten Amtlichen Gemeindeschlüssel sind eindeutige Zuordnungen zur Stadt/Gemeinde, zum Kreis/Landkreis, zum Regierungsbezirk und zum Bundesland möglich.

Are the data based on OpenGeoDB or other public databases?

Nein, die Daten aus solchen öffentlichen Quellen haben keine gute Qualität und sind unvollständig. Die Georeferenzierung von solchen Daten erfordert hohes Fachwissen und muss in einem einheitlichen Koordinaten- und Bezugssystem erfolgen. Da aber jeder etwas in die Open Sources eintragen kann, geht das zwangsläufig zu Lasten der Qualität. Unsere Geodaten Deutschland werden seit 1991 kontinuierlich von uns selbst gepflegt. Sie werden jährlich mit Hilfe der Änderungstabellen der Ersterfasser (z.B. BKG, Post, LVAs) aktualisiert. Die Daten haben einen anerkannt hohen Qualitätsstandard und werden in vielen Bereichen eingesetzt.

Is it better to update sporadically or is an annual update cycle and payment compulsory?

The price for an update is calculated from the number of recent years since the first purchase, or since the latest update times 15 percent of the current license price. It follows that you pay for annual updates in total as much as for sporadic updates over several years. Whether the update is done annually or in a cycle of servral years is up to you. If you use multiple tables of the product "Geodata Germany", they all should be updated simultaneously, so that they still harmonize with each other.

Does wind load zonees in the table LASTEN include the subdivisions "inland" or "coast"?

These attributes are not directly included in the table LASTEN. Definition: If an object is in the wind load zones 2, 3 or 4, within the zones a distinction is made between "inland" and "coast" (including the islands of the North Sea and Baltic Sea). The attribute "coast" is defined as five kilometers wide strip inbound.

What is the deviation between the straight line route (Pythagoras) to the road route?

KilletSoft has calculated a multiplicand for the relationship between straight lines and road routes from more than one million road routes between different cities. The multiplicand is determined with a value of 1.35. If a place can only be reached by a detour around an obstacle (eg distant bridge over a river), substantial deviations from the multiplicand are possible.

How can I use a Postal Code to get the matching Travel Area?

You need the database tables PLZGEM, ORTGEM and REISEGEB. Do the following:
1. Find the Postal Code in the datafield PLZNEU of the table PLZGEM and keep in mind the Municipality Key AGS.
2. Find the Municipality Key in the datafield AGS of the tabel ORTGEM and keep in mind the Travel Area Key REISEGEB.
3. Find the Travel Area Key in the datafield GEBIET_ID of the table REISEGEB and extract the Travel Area.

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Questions about GeoDLL - Geodetic Development Kit

Why do some transformations not work when using EPSG codes?

Some EPSG codes use reference systems with datum transitions via NTv2 or HARN files. This is not always obvious at first glance when using the function coordtransepsg(). Therefore, the following should be noted:
1. NTv2 or HARN datum transitions only work within the scope of the NTv2 or HARN file. Usually this is for example only one country / state, one US state or one German federal state.
2. Both reference systems must be of the same type:
Helmert / Molodenski --> Helmert / Molodenski.
NTv2 / HARN --> NTv2 / HARN (with the same NTv2 or HARN file).
For most EPSG codes, in addition to the preset Coordinate System different Reference Systems can be used. In GeoDLL, however, only a single reference system is preset. To determine which coordinate and Reference Systems and other parameters are preset in GeoDLL for a particular EPSG code, you can use the getepsg2geodll() function. If you want to deviate from the default parameters, please do not use coordtransepsg(), but one of the other coordtrans() functions. Preferably, the function coordtrans3dex() is to be used since it can process all parameters that match an EPSG code.

Where can I download NTv2 files to use with GeoDLL?

KilletSoft has created a website with a link_in collection of NTv2 files. There you can find worldwide freely available NTv2 files for direct download. You will also find information about NTv2 files that are not freely available. The reference systems of all NTv2 files listed there are supported by the Geodetic Development Kit GeoDLL.

How does GeoDLL react if the subgrids of an NTv2 file overlap?

A NTv2 file contains one or more low accuracy base grids (parent). Certain areas such as cities can have high accuracy local sub grids. The sub grids overlay portions of the base grids. If a point is within one of the high accuracy sub grids, NTv2 will use the high accuracy grid, otherwise, the point "falls through" to the suitable low accuracy grid. The sub grids may overlap each other. In this case, the sub grid that has the closest mesh width is found.

Is it possible to allocate required NTv2 files automatically when changing Reference System?

Only the contents of one NTv2 file are loaded into memory. But you can automate which NTv2 file is loaded during an NTv2 reference system change. Use the setntvbinautodir() function to automatically utilize all NTv2 files stored in a shared directory.
When changing the NTv2-based reference system, the required NTv2 file is searched there. If the file is found in the shared directory, it is automatically initialized.

How do I increase the accuracy of transformation between DHDN and ETRS89?

Sie verwenden für das DHDN noch das "DHDN/PD (DE 1995 ±5m ") mit der GeoDLL-Nummer 1? Wie Sie aus der Bezeichnung des Bezugssystems ablesen können, liefert es nur eine Genauigkeit kleiner 5 Meter.
Für die Transformation zwischen DHDN und ETRS89 schlage ich die NTv2-Transformation mit Gitterdatei zwischen ETRS89 und DHDN90 vor:
Geodätische Bezugssysteme 163 und 162 mit Gitterdatei BeTA2007.gsb.
Damit erhalten Sie eine Genauigkeit von 10 cm. Das verspricht jedenfalls die ADV, ich bin da skeptisch und habe die Bezeichnungen mit ±0.5m markiert, weil es an den Ländergrenzen vereinzelt "Übergangsverwerfungen" gibt. Sie können die Genauigkeit noch in den 2 bis 3 cm-Bereich steigern, wenn Sie die NTv2-Dateien der Bundesländer verwenden. Das können Sie mit GeoDLL machen, sie benötigen dann aber die Zusatz-Funktionsgruppe "NTv2-Berechnungen".

Wenn Ihnen die Genauigkeit im Meter Bereich genügt, können Sie folgende Bezugssysteme verwenden:
18: DHDN/PD (DE Alte Länder Süd ±1m), Rauenberg, Bessel
19: DHDN/PD (DE Alte Länd. Mitte ±1m), Rauenberg, Bessel
20: DHDN/PD (DE Alte Länder Nord ±1m), Rauenberg, Bessel
Diese Bezugssysteme gelten nur für die alten Bundesländer und müssen lageabhängig aufgeteilt werden. Für die neuen Bundesländer müssten Sie dann eventuell noch RD und PD hinzunehmen.

Is GeoDLL suitable for use with 64bit Windows applications?

GeoDLL is developed for WINDOWS operating systems with 32bit and 64bit architecture. Therefore, the DLL can be used with win32 applications on 32bit and 64bit WINDOWS operating systems and with x64 applications on 64-bit WINDOWS operating systems.

What options do I have to change my GeoDLL 32bit version to the 64bit version?

GeoDLL is always delivered with two different DLLs as 32Bit variant and as 64Bit variant. Simply select the GeoDLL variant that suits your application.

What changes in my source code are necessary when switching from 32bit to 64bit?

When switching from 32bit to 64bit, the GeoDLL function calls in the source code do not have to be changed! Also the unlock parameters in the function setunlockcode() remain unchanged.

Is it possible to do 3D transformations with orthometric heights?
DGPS recorded coordinates and orthometric heights are to be transformed into geocentric cartesian coordinates.

Because GeoDLL does not contain an elevation model, at first the leveled heights are to be converted to ellipsoidal heights. Then the transformation to cartesian coordinates can be performed e.g. with the GeoDLL function coordtrans3d3().
If you transform to other the cartesian coordinates you can do a 2D transformation and leave the orthometric heights unchanged. Those transformations can be performed e.g. with the GeoDLL function coordtrans3().

How do I transform UTM-Koordinaten to cartesian coordinates Lagestatus LS389?

The transformation can be performed with the GeoDLL function coordtrans3d3(). Settings for the source system: Coordinate System 3 (UTM coordinates northern hemisphere) with the Reference System 4 (ETRS89 Europe, geocentric, GRS80). Settings for the target system: Coordinate System 500 (Cartesian coordinates) with the Reference System 4 (ETRS89 Europe, geocentric, GRS80).

Is GeoDLL suitable for use as a service or in batch processing?

Yes, the DLLs can be configured so, that necessary messages are not displayed in a dialog window, but will be recorded in the EventLog. The entries of the EventLog then can be viewed in the Event Viewer. So it is possible to use GeoDLL in services like SQL-Server or CITRIX and in silent batch processes

What is the quality of the calculations with GeoDLL?

GeoDLL / GetaDLL uses Coordinate Transformation formulas based upon EPSG specifications and publications by Schatz, Schuhr and Klotz and Hooijberg. To achieve the highest precision only strong formula algorithms are used for calculations.

Are there statements about the accuracy of the calculations with GeoDLL?

Yes, there were comparative calculations realized with a set of test data of the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Vermessungsverwaltungen der Länder der Bundesrepublik Deutschland" (ADV). Please read the link_in test report.

Is the accuracy of the calculations with GeoDLL better than one millimeter?

Yes, it realized an accuracy to the ninth decimal with the set of test data from the ADV. This corresponds to a deviation of about 0.5 millimeters. Please read the link_in test report.

How are strings interchanged between GeoDLL functions and a DELPHI / PASCAL?

DELPHI 2009 supports the Unicode character set. By default, string transfers to dlls using pchar() [pointer to char] are always 16-bit wide. For clean access to GeoDLL instead pansichar() must be used.

How are strings returned from GeoDLL functions to the calling program?

In GeoDLL in each case PSZ variables are not returned by the return value of the function, but as references on PSZ parameters, which are passed in the function header. The passing per references instead of passing by values is necessary, to be able to administer memory for the PSZ parameters within GeoDLL32. The passing of a PSZ as reference corresponds to the C or C++ syntax "char**". In words expressed this is a "pointer to a pointer to the first character of a string", or an "address of an address of the first character of a string".

How can I make GeoDLL functions multithreadingable?

The Geodetic Development Kit GeoDLL can be used in singlethreaded and multithreaded environments. It is multithreaded safe. For safe operation in a multithreaded environment, the operating system WINDOWS appropriate functions, which are used by the GeoDLL. There are some features that adapt and prepare GeoDLL for operation in different environments. For more information, search the Internet for the term "EnterCriticalSection" or to see the chapter "Multithreading Environment" in the electronic help file of GeoDLL.

Is it possible to do calculations with the shareware version of GeoDLL?

Please follow these steps: Download the unlockable trial version (shareware) of GeoDLL from the Internet and implement with GeoDLL functions the desired Coordinate Transformations and other calculations in your own application. After calling your application you can perform about 100 GeoDLL calculations, then GeoDLL stops calculating. If everything works, you purchase a license for GeoDLL and get the necessary unlock parameters. This you pass each time you start your application with a call to the function setunlockcode() to GeoDLL. Thereafter geodetic calculations with GeoDLL can be carried out without any limits during each program run.

Does GeoDLL support highly accurate Coordinate Transformations with NTv2 grid files?

Yes, you can involve any NTv2 grid files in your application with GeoDLL! Many NTv2 grid files can be link_in downloaded from the KilletSoft internet site.

Why conversions to WGS84 differe over the years?
There is a discrepancy in the conversion between ETRS89 and WGS84 since the last year about 2,5 cm.

The difference between ETRS89 and WGS84 over two or more years is correct, because GeoDLL takes account of the continental drift! The ETRS89, which is fixed on the Eurasian plate, moves at a rate of approximately 2.5 cm annually in south west direction under the world fixed WGS84.

Why are there "jumps" in the computation of Gauss-Krueger files?
When converting Geographical Coordinates to Gauss-Krueger coordinates there is suddenly a large deviation about 700km in the easting value stepping eastwards over a certain longitude.

The calculation is correct, because the large offset in the easting value comes about the automatic meridian strip changing with Gauss Krueger coordinates. The first digit of the easting value represents the number of the meridian strip. You can also force the calculation to a specific meridian. Using one of the functions CoordTrans?() for that set the last parameter nStripZ to the number of the meridian strip to be forced.

Why do I get with Geographic Coordinates in DMS notation sometimes a wrong result?
The error occurs, when I use for example, a program calculated longitude of 090400.0 (ddmmss) in GeoDLL for a Coordinate Transformation.

The error results from a wrong rounded value. This is a frequently made mistake when handling degrees, minutes, seconds. The value calculated as a double (C), that was supposed to be 090400.0, is represented program internally as 090399.99999_. GeoDLL recalculates the perceived 99.99999_ seconds as one minute and 39.99999_ seconds, which is logical and correct. The resulting value of 090439.99999_ leads to the seemingly false result.

Use the GeoDLL function umfroundg() from the function group "Notation Calculations" for propper rounding of calculated DMS coordinates. Use the function umfroundn() for proper rounding of calculated nautical coordinates in DM notation.

Why do I get an error message when using an NTv2 system?
The line "coordtrans(lon,lat,NULL,6,10,&lon,&lat,NULL,2,162,0)" generates the error message "Invalid geodetic Reference System".

If you use on one side an NTv2 reference system, you must use on the other side the equivalent NTv2 reference system. In an NTv2 file both reference systems are already fixed. So it should work: "coordtrans(lon,lat,NULL,6,163,&lon,&lat,NULL,2,162,0)".

Must the ellipsoidal height always be used for coordinate transformations?

In the practical handling of 3D coordinate transformations the ellipsoidal height usually is problematic, because it is often not known. The ellipsoidal height must not be confused with the orthometric height. Even with large height difference of several 100 meters, the horizontal displacement remains very low with a few millimeters. In case of missing ellipsoidal height, it is generally sufficient to do 2D transformations!

Can GeoDLL simply be copied to another computer when owning a general license?

If you have a general license, after installation of GeoDLL you can zip the installation folder and transfer it to another computer. Of course, you must include the function setunlockcode() in all source codes, that contain any GeoDLL functions calls.

link_in General questions •  link_in Content

Questions about CONVERT - Data Conversion Software

Is it possible to schedule regularly repetitive tasks automaticly with CONVERT?

Yes it is possible! Use the program CONVERT to create a configuration file with the required settings. Enter the program name and the command line parameters "input file", "output file" and "configuration file" in WINDOWS Task Scheduler. There you can also set the time schedule for automatic startup. For detailed information, see CONVERT help.

How can I use the data record filtering function for a date field?

Let us take as an example for a filter a date of birth younger than 1th of January 1990. Suppose in your input file are date fields in the form dd.mm.yyyy. Insert the record filter expression F1 > 1990.01.01. The program only transfers data to the output file, which has F1 entries with date younger than 1th of January 1990.

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Author: Dipl.-Ing. Fred Killet
Page name: t_faq_e.htm
Page views: 264
Period: since Januar 1, 2025