The popular software program CONVERT is available as freeware for non-commercial purposes and can be downloaded from the website of the German software company Killet GeoSoftware Ing.-GbR (KilletSoft).
The program converts data files between different file formats and character sets.
It supports the file formats CSV (Comma Separated Value), SDF (Simple Document Format) and dBase (Borlands database format).
In addition, data files are transferred to a character set of the standards ANSI, ASCII, UTF8 or UNICODE.
For the import in MySQL or SQL databases the 'CREATE TABLE' script can be generated.
Thus the import of the data in any data base management system or file system will be possible.
But CONVERT is not only a pure conversion program, because it allows the sorting of the data according to arbitrary criteria and allows horizontal filtering of data fields and vertical filtering of data records.
A special feature of the program is the ability to process CSV and SDF files that are larger than 4.6 gigabytes (skipping 32-bit limit).
More information you can find on the internet site