Killet GeoSoftware Ing.-GbR - short: KilletSoft - is a software company, which was established in the year 1991.
The society is divided into the ranges "Geodetic Standard Software", "Development Tools for Geoinformatics" and "German Geodata".
The focal trades of the companies supplied by KilletSoft are consulting engineers, GIS developers, Internet marketing, public utilities, logistics, telecommunications, security and public services.
GeoDLL - Geodetic Development Kit
Function group "Parameter Determination"
GeoDLL - Parameter Determination of Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS)
GeoDLL supports the development of geodetic software by providing geodetic functions, which are put together into function groups for specific tasks.
To determine the parameters of Coordinate Systems and Reference Systems in own developments a license for the function group "Parameter Determination" can be purchased.
The group "Parameter Determination" contains functions to return values of in GeoDLL predefined and user-defined coordination systems, geodetic Reference Systems and ellipsoids.
Characteristics of the group "Parameter Determination"
- Determination of GeoDLL codes equivalent to EPSG codes
- Parameter, notation and range validity of Coordinate Systems
- Parameters of Reference Systems and Reference System Transitions
- Semi-axes and flattening of Earth Ellipsoids
- Designation and parameter of Measurement Units
- Formatted text representation of a Coordinate Reference System
- Determination of many other parameters used by GeoDLL
Functions of the group "Parameter Determination"
- Function getepsg2geodll() - Determine GeoDLL codes equivalent to EPSG code
- Function getepsgcrsname() - Determine designation of an EPSG CRS
- Function getcoordname() - Coordinate System name
- Function getcoordsys() - Formatted Coordinate Systems parameters
- Function getcoordform() - 2D Coordinate System's coordinates notation
- Function getcoordform3d() - 3D Coordinate System's coordinates notation
- Function getcoordaxis() - 2D Coordinate System axes names
- Function getcoordaxis3d() - 3D Coordinate System axes names
- Function getcoordarea() - Range validity values of a Coordinate System
- Function getcoordfixref() - Determining Coordinate System has fixed Reference System
- Function getcoordstdrefsys() - Default Reference System of a Coordinate System
- Function getcoordstdunitpar() - Default Measurement Unit of a Coordinate System
- Funktion getcoordproj() - Projection method number of a Coordinate System
- Funktion getcoordstrstatus() - Determining Coordinate System is a strip system
- Function getrefname() - Reference System name
- Function getrefsys() - Formatted Reference Systems parameters
- Function getellname() - Ellipsoid name
- Function getellsys() - Formatted ellipsoid parameters
- Function getellsource() - Source ellipsoid demi-axes
- Function getelltarget() - Target ellipsoid demi-axes
- Function getunitname() - Designation of a Measurement Unit
- Function getunitpar() - Calculation constant of a Measurement Unit
Ausführliche Funktionsbeschreibungen
Detailed descriptions of all geodetic functions of this function group you find here in the online manual!