GeoDLL - Geodetic Development Kit
Programmierbeispiel mit geodätischen Funktionen
GeoDLL - Entwicklungsumgebung für ein Programmierbeispiel mit geodätischen Funktionen
GeoDLL - Programmierbeispiel
Dieses Programmierbeispiel können Sie als C/C++ 32Bit Microsoft Visual Studio Project inklusive des lauffähigen Programms
Und Sie können es als C/C++ 64Bit Microsoft Visual Studio Project inklusive des lauffähigen Programms
/* */
/* Template of a C / C++ program as Visual Studio Project */
/* for some function calls of the 32 bit Geodetic Development Kit GeoDLL. */
/* The template can be extended for other GeoDLL function calls if necessary. */
/* */
/* */
/* Required external files: */
/* 1. GeoDLL32.h: Include the header file in the Visual Studio project */
/* 2. GeoDLL32.lib: Include the library file in the Visual Studio project */
/* 3. GeoDLL32.dll: The DLL must be present in the EXE start directory */
/* 4. GeoDLLbn.bin: The Binary must be present in the EXE start directory */
/* */
/* Download of the complete Visual Studio project GeoTestCpp: */
/* */
/* */
/* Online user manual with all function declarations: */
/* in English langeuage */
/* in German langeuage */
/* */
/* In the GeoDLL download included help files with all function declarations: */
/* GeoDLL_e.chm in English langeuage */
/* GeoDLL_e.chm in German langeuage */
/* */
/* Author of this source and GeoDLL: */
/* Dipl.-Ing. Fred Killet */
/* Killet GeoSoftware Ing.-GbR */
/* */
/* */
// English:
// Program for testing some functions of the Geodetic Software Development Kit
// GeoDLL, provided by Killet GeoSoftware Ing.-GbR.
// The program is written in the programming language C++ and devoloped under
// Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. It shell exemplary explain the creation of own
// applications, which use geodetic functions from GeoDLL.
// For linking the GeoDLL functions to your own application, the supplied files
// GeoDLL32.h and GeoDll32.lib are used in the project. The files GeoDLL32.dll
// and GeoDLLbn.bin must be available in your applications start directory.
// German:
// Programm zum Testen einiger Funktionen aus dem von Killet GeoSoftware Ing.-GbR
// entwickelten Geodätischen Software Development Kit GeoDLL.
// Das Programm ist in der Programmiersprache C++ geschrieben und unter
// Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 entwickelt worden. Es soll beispielhaft die
// Erstellung eigener Applikationen unter Verwendung von geodätischen Funktionen
// aus der GeoDLL erläutern.
// Zum Linken der GeoDLL-Funktionen in Ihre eigene Applikation werden die
// mitgelieferten Dateien GeoDLL32.h und GeoDll32.lib verwendet. Die Dateien
// GeoDLL32.dll und GeoDLLbn.bin müssen im Aufrufverzeichnis Ihrer Applikation
// vorhanden sein.
// Includes Plattform SDK
// Project Spezific Includes
// Header of alle GeoDLL functions
#include "geodll32.h"
// Modul internal Prototypes
void wait(int iSeconds);
// Main Function with GeoDLL function calls
int main(int argc,char* argv[])
// Variables
long int nRet;
unsigned short nTimezone,nTzType,nFast;
unsigned long nDstStart,nDstEnd,lIsDstActiv,lIsSouthHemi;
double dCoordXQ,dCoordYQ,dEllHgtQ,dCoordXZ,dCoordYZ,dEllHgtZ,dLongitude,
float fLocalTime,fUtc,fDst;
char pszCoordQ[20],pszDummy[20],pszTitle[100];
char *ppszVersion,*ppszDummy,*ppszError,*ppszCoordZ,*ppszTzFile,*ppszTimezone;
// Console title
sprintf_s(pszTitle,100,"KilletSoft GeoDLL %s --- Template with some Function calls",ppszVersion);
// Suppress GeoDLL message about shareware version and write it to EventLog
// Set GeoDLL internal language to English
// Explanation
printf("You can use all features of GeoDLL in your own application initially free.\n");
printf("However, the number of function calls per program run is limited to 100\n");
printf("geodetic calculations. Also in the free test version a message appears\n");
printf("on the screen or is written to the EventLog and a tone sequence is sounded.\n");
printf("By purchasing a licence the restrictions will be canceled. For unlocking\n");
printf("you get an user name and an unlock code from KilletSoft.\n");
printf("The GeoDLL function groups required by your application must be unlocked\n");
printf("in the initialization part of your program with the function setunlockcode().\n");
printf("The function gets the user name and the unlock code as parameters.\n");
printf("How to do that I will show you here. Of course, these unlock parameters\n");
printf("are fictitious and do not work. Therefore the error message and following\n");
printf("tone sequence are correct in this case!\n");
printf("nRet = setunlockcode(\"123456789-987654321\",\"MicroModia GmbH\");\n");
printf("if(! nRet)\n");
printf(" geterrorcode(&ppszError);\n");
// Calling setunlockcode()
// Set the original unlock parameters you got from Killetsoft here:
nRet = setunlockcode(
"123456789-987654321", // char *pszUnlockkey Unlock key
"MicroModia GmbH"); // char *pszLicensee User name
// Output of the results.
printf("GeoDLL functions unlocked!\n");
printf("GeoDLL functions remain locked!\n");
printf("No problem! Continue in trial mode!\n");
printf("Error: %s\n",ppszError);
// Wait for Key Press or Mouse Click.
// Coordinate Transformations with the function coordtrans()
// Explanation
printf("Now we start transforming coordinates. Here only the use of the GeoDLL\n");
printf("function coordtrans() is demonstrated. But you can also use any other\n");
printf("function for coordinate transformations available in GeoDLL. The required\n");
printf("Coordinate Systems and Reference Systems you find sorted by countries in\n");
printf("the User Manual GeoDLL_e.chm, chapter \"Coodinate Transformations\", in the\n");
printf("file README.DOC or in the Online User Manual.\n");
// Gauss-Kueger, DHDN --> UTM, ETRS89
dCoordXQ = 2531365.9784407;
dCoordYQ = 5695802.9495895;
nRet = coordtrans(
dCoordXQ, // double dCoordXQ
dCoordYQ, // double dCoordYQ
pszDummy, // char *pszCoordQ
(unsigned short)2, // unsigned short nCoordSysQ Gauss-Krueger
(unsigned short)17, // unsigned short nRefSysQ DHDN
&dCoordXZ, // double *dCoordXZ
&dCoordYZ, // double *dCoordYZ
&ppszDummy, // char **pszCoordZ
(unsigned short)3, // unsigned short nCoordSysZ UTM
(unsigned short)4, // unsigned short nRefSysZ ETRS89
(unsigned short)0); // unsigned short nStripZ
// Output of the results.
printf("Gauss-Kueger, DHDN --> UTM, ETRS89\n");
printf("Gauss-Krueger Easting = %.8f\n",dCoordXQ);
printf("Gauss-Krueger Northing = %.8f\n",dCoordYQ);
printf("UTM Easting = %.8f\n",dCoordXZ);
printf("UTM Northing = %.8f\n",dCoordYZ);
printf("GeoDLL coordinate transformation failed!\n");
printf("Error: %s\n",ppszError);
// UTM, ETRS89 -- > UTMRef (Centimeter Grid), ED50 (Europe)
// Note:
// GeoDLL is able to allocate memory for returnable PSZ parameters internally
// and makes them accessible to the calling program by global stored addresses.
// In the calling program then neither memory must allocated nor memory must
// released later. For more information see function setstringallocate().
dCoordXQ = dCoordXZ;
dCoordYQ = dCoordYZ;
nRet = coordtrans(
dCoordXQ, // double dCoordXQ
dCoordYQ, // double dCoordYQ
pszDummy, // char *pszCoordQ
(unsigned short)3, // unsigned short nCoordSysQ UTM
(unsigned short)4, // unsigned short nRefSysQ ETRS89
&dCoordXZ, // double *dCoordXZ
&dCoordYZ, // double *dCoordYZ
&ppszCoordZ, // char **pszCoordZ
(unsigned short)661, // unsigned short nCoordSysZ UTMref (Centimeter Grid)
(unsigned short)2, // unsigned short nRefSysZ ED50
(unsigned short)0); // unsigned short nStripZ
// Output of the results.
printf("UTM, ETRS89 -- > UTMRef (Centimeter Grid), ED50 (Europe)\n");
printf("UTMRef grid coordinate = %s\n",ppszCoordZ);
printf("GeoDLL coordinate transformation failed!\n");
printf("Error: %s\n",ppszError);
// UTMRef (Centimeter Grid), ED50 (Europe) --> Geographic Coordinates, WGS84
strcpy_s(pszCoordQ, ppszCoordZ);
nRet = coordtrans(
(double)0.0, // double dCoordXQ
(double)0.0, // double dCoordYQ
pszCoordQ, // char *pszCoordQ
(unsigned short)661, // unsigned short nCoordSysQ UTMref (Centimeter Grid)
(unsigned short)2, // unsigned short nRefSysQ ED50
&dCoordXZ, // double *dCoordXZ
&dCoordYZ, // double *dCoordYZ
&ppszDummy, // char **pszCoordZ
(unsigned short)6, // unsigned short nCoordSysZ Geo. Coord
(unsigned short)10, // unsigned short nRefSysZ WGS84
(unsigned short)0); // unsigned short nStripZ
// Output of the results.
printf("UTMRef (Centimeter Grid), ED50 (Europe) --> Geographic Coordinates, WGS84\n");
printf("Longitude = %.8f\n",dCoordXZ);
printf("Latitude = %.8f\n",dCoordYZ);
printf("GeoDLL coordinate transformation failed!\n");
printf("Error: %s\n",ppszError);
// Geographic Coordinates, WGS84 --> Gauss-Kueger, DHDN
dCoordXQ = dCoordXZ;
dCoordYQ = dCoordYZ;
nRet = coordtrans(
dCoordXQ, // double dCoordXQ
dCoordYQ, // double dCoordYQ
pszCoordQ, // char *pszCoordQ
(unsigned short)6, // unsigned short nCoordSysQ Geo. Coord
(unsigned short)10, // unsigned short nRefSysQ WGS84
&dCoordXZ, // double *dCoordXZ
&dCoordYZ, // double *dCoordYZ
&ppszDummy, // char **pszCoordZ
(unsigned short)2, // unsigned short nCoordSysZ Gauss-Krueger
(unsigned short)17, // unsigned short nRefSysZ DHN
(unsigned short)0); // unsigned short nStripZ
// Output of the results.
printf("Geographic Coordinates, WGS84 --> Gauss-Kueger, DHDN\n");
printf("Gauss-Krueger Easting = %.8f\n",dCoordXZ);
printf("Gauss-Krueger Northing = %.8f\n",dCoordYZ);
printf("GeoDLL coordinate transformation failed!\n");
printf("Error: %s\n",ppszError);
// Wait for Key Press or Mouse Click.
// The simplest Coordinate Transformations with the function coordtrans4()
// Explanation
printf("The easiest way to transform coordinates is to use the coordtrans4\n");
printf("function. However, alphanumeric coordinate transformations and also 3D\n");
printf("transformations are not possible with this function.\n");
printf("Here are some examples:\n");
// Gauss-Kueger, DHDN --> UTM, ETRS89
dCoordXQ = 2531365.9784407;
dCoordYQ = 5695802.9495895;
nRet = coordtrans4(
dCoordXQ, // double dCoordXQ
dCoordYQ, // double dCoordYQ
(unsigned short)2, // unsigned short nCoordSysQ Gauss-Krueger
(unsigned short)17, // unsigned short nRefSysQ DHDN
&dCoordXZ, // double *dCoordXZ
&dCoordYZ, // double *dCoordYZ
(unsigned short)3, // unsigned short nCoordSysZ UTM
(unsigned short)4, // unsigned short nRefSysZ ETRS89
(unsigned short)0); // unsigned short nStripZ
// Output of the results.
printf("Gauss-Kueger, DHDN --> UTM, ETRS89\n");
printf("Gauss-Krueger Easting = %.8f\n",dCoordXQ);
printf("Gauss-Krueger Northing = %.8f\n",dCoordYQ);
printf("UTM Easting = %.8f\n",dCoordXZ);
printf("UTM Northing = %.8f\n",dCoordYZ);
printf("GeoDLL coordinate transformation failed!\n");
printf("Error: %s\n",ppszError);
// Geographic coord. [deg], WGS84 --> Geographic coord. [deg], ETRS89
dCoordXQ = 9.469242;
dCoordYQ = 47.663119;
nRet = coordtrans4(
dCoordXQ, // double dCoordXQ
dCoordYQ, // double dCoordYQ
(unsigned short)6, // unsigned short nCoordSysQ Geographic coord.
(unsigned short)10, // unsigned short nRefSysQ WGS84
&dCoordXZ, // double *dCoordXZ
&dCoordYZ, // double *dCoordYZ
(unsigned short)6, // unsigned short nCoordSysZ Geographic coord.
(unsigned short)4, // unsigned short nRefSysZ ETRS89
(unsigned short)0); // unsigned short nStripZ
// Output of the results.
printf("Geographic coord., WGS84 --> Geographic coord., ETRS89\n");
printf("Longitude WGS84 = %.8f\n",dCoordXQ);
printf("Latitude WGS84 = %.8f\n",dCoordYQ);
printf("Longitude ETRS89 = %.8f\n",dCoordXZ);
printf("Latitude ETRS89 = %.8f\n",dCoordYZ);
printf("GeoDLL coordinate transformation failed!\n");
printf("Error: %s\n",ppszError);
// UTM, WGS84 --> UTM, ETRS89
dCoordXQ = 32535230.5818717;
dCoordYQ = 5278965.0465970;
nRet = coordtrans4(
dCoordXQ, // double dCoordXQ
dCoordYQ, // double dCoordYQ
(unsigned short)3, // unsigned short nCoordSysQ UTM
(unsigned short)10, // unsigned short nRefSysQ WGS84
&dCoordXZ, // double *dCoordXZ
&dCoordYZ, // double *dCoordYZ
(unsigned short)3, // unsigned short nCoordSysZ UTM
(unsigned short)4, // unsigned short nRefSysZ ETRS89
(unsigned short)0); // unsigned short nStripZ
// Output of the results.
printf("UTM, WGS84 --> UTM, ETRS89\n");
printf("UTM Easting, WGS84 = %.8f\n",dCoordXQ);
printf("UTM Northing, WGS84 = %.8f\n",dCoordYQ);
printf("UTM Easting, ETRS89 = %.8f\n",dCoordXZ);
printf("UTM Northing, ETRS89 = %.8f\n",dCoordYZ);
printf("GeoDLL coordinate transformation failed!\n");
printf("Error: %s\n",ppszError);
// Wait for Key Press or Mouse Click.
// Coordinate Transformations with the function coordtransepsg()
// Explanation
printf("For simplicity, it is possible to perform all required settings for the\n");
printf("parameters Coordinate System, Reference System, Meridian Strip, Meridian\n");
printf("Strip Suffix and 2D/3D Modus by using so-called EPSG codes. EPSG is the\n");
printf("acronym for \"European Petroleum Survey Group Geodesy\". This is a working\n");
printf("group of the European oil and gas exploration companies. The EPSG and\n");
printf("their successors OGP \"International Association of Oil and Gas Producers\"\n");
printf("have made it to their task to build a system with globally unique\n");
printf("identifiers (EPSG codes) for geodetic data, such as Coordinate Reference\n");
printf("Systems, Reference Ellipsoids or Map Projections.\n");
printf("The required EPSG Codes you find in the User Manual GeoDLL_e.chm, chapter\n");
printf("\"Coordinate Transformations\", in the Online Manual or in the EPSG database.\n");
printf("This EPSG Codes for Coordinate Reference Systems are used:\n");
printf("31466: EPSG code for \"DHDN / 3-deg. Gauss-Krueger zone 2\"\n");
printf("4647: EPSG code for \"ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N (zE-N)\"\n");
// Gauss-Kueger, DHDN --> UTM, ETRS89
dCoordXQ = 2531418.55;
dCoordYQ = 5695935.71;
dEllHgtQ = 0.0;
nRet = coordtransepsg(
dCoordXQ, // double dCoordXQ
dCoordYQ, // double dCoordYQ
dEllHgtQ, // double dEllHgtQ Ell. Height not usesed
(unsigned short)31466, // unsigned short nEpsgQ Epsg Code source
&dCoordXZ, // double *dCoordXZ
&dCoordYZ, // double *dCoordYZ
&dEllHgtZ, // double* dEllHgtZ Ell. Height not usesed
(unsigned short)4647); // unsigned short nEpsgZ Epsg Code target
// Output of the results.
printf("Gauss-Kueger, DHDN --> UTM, ETRS89\n");
printf("Gauss-Krueger Easting = %.8f\n",dCoordXQ);
printf("Gauss-Krueger Northing = %.8f\n",dCoordYQ);
printf("UTM Easting = %.8f\n",dCoordXZ);
printf("UTM Northing = %.8f\n",dCoordYZ);
printf("GeoDLL coordinate transformation failed!\n");
printf("Error: %s\n",ppszError);
// Wait for Key Press or Mouse Click.
// Time zone functions
// Activate timezone shapefile with the function settzshapefile()
// or
// activate timezone gridfile with the function settzgridile()
// Explanation
printf("A time zone is a region that has an uniform standard time for legal,\n");
printf("commercial and social purposes. Time zones are primarily longitude\n");
printf("dependent, but secondary they follow the boundaries of countries or their\n");
printf("administrative subdivisions. The time zones supported by GeoDLL are based\n");
printf("on an uniform naming convention, designed by Paul Eggert, such as\n");
printf("America/New_York and Europe/Paris. The time zones have offsets from\n");
printf("Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) as a number of hours (UTC-12 to UTC+12).\n");
printf("Many higher latitude countries use Daylight Saving Time (DST) for a part\n");
printf(" of the year, typically by changing clocks one hour forward.\n");
// Download the timezone shapefile or the timezone gridfile from the KilletSoft
// internet site:
// Make your changes for the path of the timezone files here.
// You can set the shapefile or the gridfile or nothing. In the last case
// default settings for the further timezone calculations are used.
ppszTzFile = "c:\\programm\\geodll\\timezone\\shape\\geodlltz.shp"; // <== here
nRet = settzshapefile(ppszTzFile); // Path of the timezone shapefile
nFast = 0;
if(! nRet)
nFast = 1;
ppszTzFile = "c:\\programm\\geodll\\timezone\\grid\\geodlltz.grd"; // <== here
nRet = settzgridfile(ppszTzFile); // Path of the timezone gridfile
// If no timezone file is in use, defaults are used
if(! nRet)
nTzType = 5; // 5 = international timezone if no timezone file in use
nTzType = 0; // 5 = national timezone if timezone file in use
// Get time zone index from coordinates with function gettznumbycoordfast()
dLongitude = -74.005833;
dLatitude = 40.712778;
if (nFast)
nRet = gettznumbycoordfast(
dLongitude, // double dLongitude
dLatitude, // double dLatitude
nTzType, // unsigned short nTzType
&nTimezone); // unsigned short *nTimezone
nRet = gettznumbycoordexact(
dLongitude, // double dLongitude
dLatitude, // double dLatitude
nTzType, // unsigned short nTzType
&nTimezone); // unsigned short *nTimezone
// Output of the results.
if (nFast)
printf("gettznumbycoordfast() - Get GeoDLL time zone index from coordinates\n");
printf("gettznumbycoordexact() - Get GeoDLL time zone index from coordinates\n");
if (nTzType = 5)
printf("Here only an international timzone is calculated, because national timezones\n");
printf("need a gridfile or shapefile, downloadable from the KilletSoft website.\n");
printf("Longitude = %f Latitude = %f Timezone index = %d\n",dLongitude,dLatitude,nTimezone);
printf("Calculation of time zone index failed!\n");
printf("Error: %s\n",ppszError);
printf ("\n") ;
// Get time zone name from time zone index with function gettznamebynum()
if (nTzType == 5)
nTimezone = 8; // 8 = Europa/Berlin if no timezone file in use
nRet = gettznamebynum(
nTimezone, // unsigned short nTimezone
&ppszTimezone); // char **pszTimezone
// Output of the results.
printf("gettznamebynum() - Get time zone name from time zone index.\n");
if (nTzType = 5)
printf("Here the default national timezone index 8 of Europe/Berlin is used,\n");
printf("because no gridfile nor shapefile is set in GeoDLL.\n");
printf("Time Zone Name = %s\n",ppszTimezone);
printf("Calculation of time zone name failed!\n");
printf("Error: %s\n",ppszError);
printf ("\n") ;
// Get current tz parameters from tz index with function gettzcurrentbynum()
nRet = gettzcurrentbynum(
nTimezone, // unsigned short nTimezone
&fUtc, // float *fUtc
&fDst, // float *fDst
&lIsDstActiv, // unsigned long *lIsDstActiv
&nDstStart, // unsigned long *nDstStart
&nDstEnd, // unsigned long *nDstEnd
&lIsSouthHemi, // unsigned long *lIsSouthHemi
&fLocalTime); // float *fLocalTime
// Output of the results.
printf("gettzcurrentbynum() - Get current time zone parameters from time zone index\n");
printf("UTC = %+3.1f DST = %+3.1f DST in effect = %s Current UTC+DST = %+3.1f\n",
fUtc,fDst,lIsDstActiv ? "yes" : "no",fLocalTime);
printf("DST start date (yyyymmdd) = %d DST end date (yyyymmdd) = %d\n",nDstStart,nDstEnd);
printf("Calculation of time zone parameters failed!\n");
printf("Error: %s\n",ppszError);
// Wait for Key Press or Mouse Click.
// Distance and bearing calculations
// Distance calculation with the function distancegeo()
// Explanation
printf("Often it is necessary to calculate the distance between two points fast and\n");
printf("accurate. For example this is necessary for the realization of a radial search.\n");
printf("Here I introduce the function distancegeo(), which calculates the distance\n");
printf("between two Geographic Coordinates on the earth ellipsoid.\n");
printf("The point2pointgeo() function calculates the coordinates of a destination point\n");
printf("from the coordinates of the start point, the forward bearing and the distance\n");
printf("between the points.\n");
dGeoLon1 = 11.55; // Geographic longitude of the 1th point
dGeoLat1 = 51.32; // Geographic latitude of the 1th point
dGeoLon2 = 14.03; // Geographic longitude des 2nd point
dGeoLat2 = 53.48; // Geographic latitude of the 2nd point
nRet = distancegeo(
dGeoLon1, // double dGeoLon1
dGeoLat1, // double dGeoLat1
dGeoLon2, // double dGeoLon2
dGeoLat2, // double dGeoLat2
&dDistance, // double *dDistance
(unsigned short)10); // unsigned short nEllipsoid (10 = WGS84)
// Output of the results.
printf("distancegeo() - Calculate distance between two coordinates\n");
printf("Longitude of 1th point = %f Latitude of 1th point = %.8f\n",dGeoLon1,dGeoLat1);
printf("Longitude of 2nd point = %f Latitude of 2nd point = %.8f\n",dGeoLon2,dGeoLat2);
printf("Calculated distance between points = %.8f\n",dDistance);
printf("Distance calculation failed!\n");
printf("Error: %s\n",ppszError);
printf ("\n") ;
// Calculation of a target point coordinate with point2pointgeo()
dGeoLon1 = 11.55; // Geographic longitude of the start point
dGeoLat1 = 51.32; // Geographic latitude of the start point
dDistance = 521434; // Distance to the target point in meter
dAzimut = 122.5; // Forward azimutal bearing
nRet = point2pointgeo(
dGeoLon1, // double dGeoLon1
dGeoLat1, // double dGeoLat1
dDistance, // double dDistance
dAzimut, // double dAzimut
&dGeoLon2, // *double dGeoLon2
&dGeoLat2, // *double dGeoLat2
(unsigned short)10); // unsigned short nEllipsoid (10 = WGS84)
// Output of the results.
printf("point2pointgeo() - Calculate target coordinate from start coordinate and distance\n");
printf("Longitude of start point = %f Latitude of start point = %.8f\n",dGeoLon1,dGeoLat1);
printf("Bearing to dest. point = %.8f\n",dAzimut);
printf("Dist. to the dest. point = %.8f\n",dDistance);
printf("Longitude of dest. point = %f Latitude of target point = %.8f\n",dGeoLon2,dGeoLat2);
printf("Coordinates and bearing calculation failed!\n");
printf("Error: %s\n",ppszError);
// Wait for Key Press or Mouse Click.
return 0;
// Function wait() generates a waiting time of iSeconds seconds. The waiting
// time is interrupted when a key or a mouse button has been pressed.
// Clears the screen after waiting ans sets the cursor to the screens top.
void wait(int iSeconds)
// Variables
clock_t clWait;
unsigned long nNumEvent,nWritCells,nNumCells;
HANDLE hConsole;
COORD coScrPos = {0,0};
// Calculate waiting time
clWait = clock() + iSeconds * CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
// Show waiting hint
printf("Please click mouse or press a key!");
// Remove all still existing events from the console
hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
// Stop waiting time on mouse click or key press
while(clock() < clWait)
nNumEvent = 0;
if(GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents(hConsole,&nNumEvent) && nNumEvent > 0)
nNumEvent = 0;
if(ReadConsoleInput(hConsole,&irBuffer,1,&nNumEvent) && nNumEvent == 1)
if(irBuffer.EventType == MOUSE_EVENT)
if(irBuffer.Event.MouseEvent.dwButtonState == FROM_LEFT_1ST_BUTTON_PRESSED)
else if(irBuffer.Event.MouseEvent.dwButtonState == RIGHTMOST_BUTTON_PRESSED)
else if(irBuffer.EventType == KEY_EVENT)
// Wait 1/10 second to remain processor load low.
// Clear screen
hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsole, &csbInfo );
nNumCells = csbInfo.dwSize.X * csbInfo.dwSize.Y;
FillConsoleOutputCharacter(hConsole,' ',nNumCells,coScrPos,&nWritCells);
// Cursor at screen top