Group Time Zone Calculations |
The group "Time Zone Calculations" contains functions to calculate time zones, UTC, DST, daylight change dates and other Time Zone parameters from coordinates or from GeoDLL time zone indexes.
Characteristics of the function group
"Time Zone calculations" function group Information about Time Zones and Maritime Zones List with Time Zones sorted by designations for the following functions Function settzgridfile() - Initialize and test a gridfile for time zone calculations Function settzshapefile() - Initialize and test a shapefile for time zone calculations Function gettzcurrentbynum() - Determ. of current time zone param. from GeoDLL index Function gettznamebynum() - Determ. of a time zone designation from a GeoDLL index Function gettznumbycoordexact() - Exact determination of GeoDLL index from a coordinate Function gettznumbycoordfast() - Fast determination of GeoDLL index from a coordinate Function gettzparbynum() - Determination of common time zone param. from GeoDLL index |