Group User Definations |
The group "User Definitions" contains functions for the input of the parameters of self defined Coordinate Systems, geodetic Reference Systems and earth ellipsoids which can be used with the functions of the group "Coordinate Transformations" besides the predefined GeoDLL systems.
Characteristics of the function group
"User definitions" function group Function setusercoordsys1() - Setup of a user defined Coordinate System Function setusercoordsys2() - Setup of a 2nd user defined Coordinate System Function setuserrefsys() - Setup of a user defined Reference System Function setuserellsource() - Setup of a user defined source ellipsoid Function setuserelltarget() - Setup of a user defined target ellipsoid Function getusercoordpar() - Get parameter names of a user defined Coordinate System Function getusercoordtyp() - Get type name of a user defined Coordinate System