Sample of a Delphi interface |
{************************************************************************} { DELPHI 2/3/4/XE interface } { for some functions of the 32 bit Dynamic Link Library GeoDLL } { The interface must be extended for other functions if necessary. } { The interface can be included in the DELPHI source code directly. } { } { Authors Killet GeoSoftware Ing.-GbR and IVU GmbH, Berlin } { Tested with DELPHI XE at 01/29/2015, Mr. Schettler, RATIOsoftware. } { } { In the calling directory of GeoDLL the files geodll32.dll } { and geodllbn.bin must be present. } {************************************************************************}
unit GeoDll32;
uses Windows, Dialogs;
{ Coordinate Systems } const GEO = 1; { geographic coordinates } GK3 = 2; { Gauss-Krueger coordinates (3 degrees) } UTM = 3; { UTM coordinates } GK6 = 4; { Gauss-Krueger coordinates (6 degrees) } BMN = 5; { Transversal Mercator (England) }
{ Reference Systems } DEFAULT = 0; { with geographic coordinates: WGS84 } { with Gauss-Krueger coordinates (3 degrees): WGS84 } { with UTM coordinates: WGS84 } { with Gauss-Krueger coordinates (6 degrees): WGS84 } { with Transversal Mercator (England): OSGB36 } PD = 1; { PD, Rauenberg, Bessel (1841) } ED50 = 2; { ED50, Potsdam, Hayford (1909) / Internat. (1924) } SYSTEM4283 = 3; { SYSTEM42/83, Pulkowo, Krassowskij (1940) } ETRS89 = 4; { ETRS89, earth centerd, GRS80 (1980) } MGI = 5; { MGI, Hermannskogel, Bessel (1841) } NTF = 6; { NTF, Pantheon (Paris), Clarke IGN (1880) } RDNAP = 7; { RD/NAP, Amersfoort, Bessel (1841) } CH1903 = 8; { CH1903, Old Observatory Bern, Bessel (1841) } RD83 = 9; { RD83, Bessel (1841) } WGS84 = 10; { WGS84 (GPS), earth centerd, WGS84 (1984) } WGS72 = 11; { WGS72, earth centerd, WGS72 (1972) } USERDEF = 1000; { User defined Reference System Transition (setuserrefsys) } KEINS = 1100; { No Reference System Transition }
{ Notation (way of writing) of the geographic coordinates } GGGNNN = 0; { ddd.nnn (d = degrees, n = minutes and seconds as } { decimals of a degree } GGMMSS = 1; { dddmmss.nnn (d = degrees, m = minutes, s = seconds, } { n = decimals of the seconds }
{ Unlock the GeoDLL function groups } { DELPHI 2/3/4 use pchar, DELPHI XE use pAnsichar } type tGeo_Setunlockcode = function ( FCode : pAnsichar; { Unlock key } LNehm : pAnsichar { Name of the licensee } ) : dword; stdcall; var setunlockcode : tGeo_Setunlockcode;
{ Coordinate Transformations } type tGeo_Coordtrans3 = function ( dKoordXQ : double; { X coordinate of the source Coordinate System } dKoordYQ : double; { Y coordinate of the source Coordinate System } sKoordSysQ : word; { Flag for the source Coordinate System } sBezSysQ : word; { Flag for the source Reference System } sNotationQ : word; { Flag for the notation of the source coordinates } var dKoordXZ : double; { X coordinate of the target Coordinate System } var dKoordYZ : double; { Y coordinate of the target Coordinate System } sKoordSysZ : word; { Flag for the target Coordinate System } sBezSysZ : word; { Flag for the target Reference System } sNotationZ : word; { Flag for the notation of the target coordinates } sStreifenZ : word { Flag for the target meridian strip } ) : dword; stdcall; var coordtrans3 : tGeo_Coordtrans3;
{ Transformation parameters for a user defined Reference System } { Function must be used only, if an own Reference System is to be defined } type tGeo_Setuserrefsys = function ( sRefSysTyp : word; { Flag to set the Reference System } dTranslX : double; { Translation on the X axis } dTranslY : double; { Translation on the Y axis } dTranslZ : double; { Translation on the Z axis } dRotX : double; { Rotation of the X axis } dRotY : double; { Rotation of the Y axis } dRotZ : double; { Rotation of the Z axis } dMasstab : double { Measure factor in ppm } ) : dword; stdcall; var setuserrefsys : tGeo_Setuserrefsys;
{ Ellipsoid semi axes for a user defined source ellipsoid } { Function must be used only, if an own Reference System is to be defined } type tGeo_Setuserellsource = function ( sEllSource : word; { Flag for the source ellipsoid } dHalbAchsGrQ : double; { Semi-major axis of the source ellipsoid } dHalbAchsKlQ : double { Semi-minor axis of the source ellipsoid } ) : dword; stdcall; var setuserellsource : tGeo_Setuserellsource;
{ Ellipsoid semi axes for a user defined target ellipsoid } { Function must be used only, if an own Reference System is to be defined } type tGeo_Setuserelltarget = function ( sEllTarget : word; { Flag for the target ellipsoid } dHalbAchsGrZ : double; { Semi-major axis of the target ellipsoid } dHalbAchsKlZ : double { Semi-minor axis of the target ellipsoid } ) : dword; stdcall; var setuserelltarget : tGeo_Setuserelltarget;
{ Distance between two coordinate pairs } type tGeo_Distancegeo = function ( dGeoLaenge1 : double; { Longitude of the first geographic coordinate } dGeoBreite1 : double; { Latitude of the first geographic coordinate } dGeoLaenge2 : double; { Longitude of the second geographic coordinate } dGeoBreite2 : double; { Latitude of the second geographic coordinate } var dStrecke: double; { Calculated distance } sEllipsoid : word { Flag for the geodetic ellipsoid } ) : dword; stdcall; var distancegeo : tGeo_Distancegeo;
function KoordSysCode (S:String):Integer; function BezSysCode (S:String):Integer;
function KoordSysCode (S:String):Integer; begin KoordSysCode := 1; if S = 'GEO' then KoordSysCode := 1; if S = 'GK3' then KoordSysCode := 2; if S = 'UTM' then KoordSysCode := 3; if S = 'GK6' then KoordSysCode := 4; if S = 'TME' then KoordSysCode := 5; end;
function BezSysCode (S:String):Integer; begin BezSysCode := 0; if S = 'PD' then BezSysCode := 1; if S = 'ED50' then BezSysCode := 2; if S = 'SYSTEM4283' then BezSysCode := 3; if S = 'ETRS89' then BezSysCode := 4; if S = 'MGI' then BezSysCode := 5; if S = 'NTF' then BezSysCode := 6; if S = 'RDNAP' then BezSysCode := 7; if S = 'CH1903' then BezSysCode := 8; if S = 'RD83' then BezSysCode := 9; if S = 'WGS84' then BezSysCode := 10; if S = 'WGS72' then BezSysCode := 11; if S = 'KEINS' then BezSysCode := 1100; end;
function T_Error ( dKoordXQ : double; dKoordYQ : double; sKoordSysQ : word; sBezSysQ : word; sNotationQ : word; var dKoordXZ : double; var dKoordYZ : double; sKoordSysZ : word; sBezSysZ : word; sNotationZ : word; sStreifenZ : word ) : dword; stdcall; begin ShowMessage ('GeoDLL32 : Function coordtrans3() not bound '); dKoordXZ := 0; dKoordYZ := 0; T_ERROR := 0; end;
function F_Error ( FCode : pchar; LNehm : pchar ) : dword; stdcall; begin ShowMessage ('GeoDLL32 : Function setunlockcode() not bound '); F_ERROR := 0; end;
function D_Error ( dGeoLaenge1 : double; dGeoBreite1 : double; dGeoLaenge2 : double; dGeoBreite2 : double; var dStrecke: double; sEllipsoid : word ) : dword; stdcall; begin ShowMessage ('GeoDLL32 : Function distancegeogeo() not bound '); dStrecke := 0; D_Error := 0; end;
function TP_Error ( sRefSysTyp : word; dTranslX : double; dTranslY : double; dTranslZ : double; dRotX : double; dRotY : double; dRotZ : double; dMasstab : double ) : dword; stdcall; begin ShowMessage ('GeoDLL32 : Function setuserrefsys() not bound '); TP_Error := 0; end;
function ES_Error ( sEllSource : word; dHalbAchsGrQ : double; dHalbAchsKlQ : double ) : dword; stdcall; begin ShowMessage ('GeoDLL32 : Function getuserellsource() not bound '); ES_Error := 0; end;
function ET_Error ( sEllTarget : word; dHalbAchsGrZ : double; dHalbAchsKlZ : double ) : dword; stdcall; begin ShowMessage ('GeoDLL32 : Function getuserelltarget() not bound '); ET_Error := 0; end;
var LHandle : tHandle;
procedure LoadLib; begin { Load the DLL GeoDLL32 and set pointers to the DLL functions } LHandle := LoadLibrary('geodll32.dll'); if LHandle <> 0 then begin Setunlockcode := GetProcAddress(LHandle, 'setunlockcode'); Coordtrans3 := GetProcAddress(LHandle, 'coordtrans3'); Distancegeo := GetProcAddress(LHandle, 'distancegeo'); Setuserrefsys := GetProcAddress(LHandle, 'setuserrefsys'); Setuserellsource := GetProcAddress(LHandle, 'setuserellsource'); Setuserelltarget := GetProcAddress(LHandle, 'setuserelltarget'); end else begin Setunlockcode := @F_Error; Coordtrans3 := @T_Error; Distancegeo := @D_Error; Setuserrefsys := @TP_Error; Setuserellsource := @ES_Error; Setuserelltarget := @ET_Error; ShowMessage ('Unable to load geodll32.dll'); end; end;
{ Load GeoDLL functions} LoadLib;
{ Here GeoDLL can be unlocked } Setunlockcode ('Your unlock key','Your licensee name');
if LHandle <> 0 then FreeLibrary(LHandle);