Sample of a Visual Objects interface |
//************************************************************************ //Sample of a Visual Objects 1.0 / 2.0 / 2.5 / 2.6 / 2.7 / 2.8 interface * // for some functions of the 32 bit Dynamic Link Library GeoDLL * // The interface must be extended for other functions if necessary. * // The interface can be included in the VO source code directly. * // * // A complete-Objects interface is available as file geodllvo.aef. * // * // Author: Killet GeoSoftware Ing.-GbR * // * // In the calling directory of GeoDLL the files geodll32.dll * // and geodllbn.bin must be present. * //************************************************************************
_DLL FUNCTION coordtrans; (nCoordXQ AS REAL8,; // 8 Byte nCoordYQ AS REAL8,; // 8 Byte pszKoordQ AS PSZ,; // 4 Byte, char* nCoordSysQ AS WORD,; // 2 Byte nRefSysQ AS WORD,; // 2 Byte nCoordXZ REF REAL8,; // 4 Byte nCoordYZ REF REAL8,; // 4 Byte pszKoordZ REF PSZ,; // 4 Byte, char**, 16 alloc. nCoordSysZ AS WORD,; // 2 Byte nRefSysZ AS WORD,; // 2 Byte nStripZ AS WORD); // 2 Byte AS LOGIC PASCAL:geodll32.coordtrans // 4 Byte // Prototype of the DLL function coordtrans() in Visual Objects syntax. // The allocation of memory for the psz to return is necessary only if // setstringallocate(FALSE) is called before.
_DLL FUNCTION coordtrans2; (nCoordXQ AS REAL8,; // 8 Byte nCoordYQ AS REAL8,; // 8 Byte pszCoordQ AS PSZ,; // 4 Byte, char* nCoordSysQ AS WORD,; // 2 Byte nRefSysQ AS WORD,; // 2 Byte nCoordXZ REF REAL8,; // 4 Byte nCoordYZ REF REAL8,; // 4 Byte pszCoordZ AS PSZ,; // 4 Byte, char*, 16 alloc. nCoordSysZ AS WORD,; // 2 Byte nRefSysZ AS WORD,; // 2 Byte nStripZ AS WORD); // 2 Byte AS LOGIC PASCAL:geodll32.coordtrans2 // 4 Byte // Prototype of the DLL function coordtrans2() in Visual Objects syntax. // The allocation of memory for the psz which can be returned is // compellingly necessary!
_DLL FUNCTION coordtrans3; (nCoordXQ AS REAL8,; // 8 Byte nCoordYQ AS REAL8,; // 8 Byte nCoordSysQ AS WORD,; // 2 Byte nRefSysQ AS WORD,; // 2 Byte nNotationQ AS WORD,; // 2 Byte nCoordXZ REF REAL8,; // 4 Byte nCoordYZ REF REAL8,; // 4 Byte nCoordSysZ AS WORD,; // 2 Byte nRefSysZ AS WORD,; // 2 Byte nNotationZ AS WORD,; // 2 Byte nStripZ AS WORD); // 2 Byte AS LOGIC PASCAL:geodll32.coordtrans3 // 4 Byte // Prototype of the DLL function coordtrans3() in Visual Objects syntax.
_DLL FUNCTION distancegeo; (nGeoLaenge1 AS REAL8,; // 8 Byte nGeoBreite1 AS REAL8,; // 8 Byte nGeoLaenge2 AS REAL8,; // 8 Byte nGeoBreite2 AS REAL8,; // 8 Byte nStrecke REF REAL8,; // 4 Byte nEllipsoid AS WORD); // 2 Byte AS LOGIC PASCAL:geodll32.distancegeo // 4 Byte // Prototype of the DLL function distancegeo() in Visual Objects syntax.
_DLL FUNCTION distanceutm; (nUtmRechts1 AS REAL8,; // 8 Byte nUtmHoch1 AS REAL8,; // 8 Byte nUtmRechts2 AS REAL8,; // 8 Gyte nUtmHoch2 AS REAL8,; // 8 Byte nStrecke REF REAL8); // 4 Byte AS LOGIC PASCAL:geodll32.distanceutm // 4 Byte // Prototype of the DLL function distanceutm() in Visual Objects syntax.
_DLL FUNCTION getauthor; (pszAuthor REF PSZ); // 4 Byte, char**, 200 alloc. AS LOGIC PASCAL:geodll32.getauthor // 4 Byte // Prototype of the DLL function getauthor() in Visual Objects syntax. // The allocation of memory for the psz to return is necessary only if // setstringallocate(FALSE) is called before.
_DLL FUNCTION getcoordsys; (wCoordSysQ AS WORD,; // 2 Byte pszCoordSys REF PSZ); // 4 Byte, char**, 800 alloc. AS LOGIC PASCAL:geodll32.getcoordsys // 4 Byte // Prototype of the DLL function getcoordsys() in Visual Objects syntax. // The allocation of memory for the psz to return is necessary only if // setstringallocate(FALSE) is called before.
_DLL FUNCTION getdllversion; (pszVersion REF PSZ); // 4 Byte, char**, 10 alloc. AS LOGIC PASCAL:geodll32.getdllversion // 4 Byte // Prototype of the DLL function getcoordsys() in Visual Objects syntax. // The allocation of memory for the psz to return is necessary only if // setstringallocate(FALSE) is called before.
_DLL FUNCTION geterrorcode; (pszError REF PSZ); // 4 Byte, char**, 200 alloc. AS LOGIC PASCAL:geodll32.geterrorcode // 4 Byte // Prototype of the DLL function geterrorcode() in Visual Objects syntax. // The allocation of memory for the psz to return is necessary only if // setstringallocate(FALSE) is called before.
_DLL FUNCTION getlicensee; (pszLicensee REF PSZ); // 4 Byte, char**, 120 alloc. AS LOGIC PASCAL:geodll32.getlicensee // 4 Byte // Prototype of the DLL function getlicensee() in Visual Objects syntax. // The allocation of memory for the psz to return is necessary only if // setstringallocate(FALSE) is called before.
_DLL FUNCTION getrefsys; (wRefSysQ AS WORD,; // 2 Byte wRefSysZ AS WORD,; // 2 Byte wCoordSysQ AS WORD,; // 2 Byte wCoordSysZ AS WORD,; // 2 Byte pszRefSys REF PSZ); // 4 Byte, char**, 1200 alloc. AS LOGIC PASCAL:geodll32.getrefsys // 4 Byte // Prototype of the DLL function getrefsys() in Visual Objects syntax. // The allocation of memory for the psz to return is necessary only if // setstringallocate(FALSE) is called before.
_DLL FUNCTION meritrans; (nCoordXQ AS REAL8,; // 8 Byte nCoordYQ AS REAL8,; // 8 Byte nCoordXZ REF REAL8,; // 4 Byte nCoordYZ REF REAL8,; // 4 Byte nCoordSys AS WORD,; // 2 Byte nEllipsoid AS WORD,; // 2 Byte nStrip AS WORD); // 2 Byte AS LOGIC PASCAL:geodll32.meritrans // 4 Byte // Prototype of the DLL function meritrans() in Visual Objects syntax.
_DLL FUNCTION setcoordarea; (lSchalter AS LOGIC); // 4 Byte AS LOGIC PASCAL:geodll32.setcoordarea // 4 Byte // Prototype of the DLL function setcoordarea() in Visual Objects syntax.
_DLL FUNCTION setstringallocate; (lSchalter AS LOGIC); // 4 Byte AS LOGIC PASCAL:geodll32.setstringallocate // 4 Byte // Prototype of the DLL function setstringallocate() in Visual Objects syntax.
_DLL FUNCTION setunlockcode; (pszFreischaltcode AS PSZ,; // 4 Byte, char* pszLizenznehmer AS PSZ); // 4 Byte, char* AS LOGIC PASCAL:geodll32.setunlockcode // 4 Byte // Prototype of the DLL function setunlockcode() in Visual Objects syntax.
_DLL FUNCTION setuserellsource; (nEllipsoid AS WORD,; // 2 Byte nHalbAchsGr AS REAL8,; // 8 Byte nHalbAchsKl AS REAL8); // 8 Byte AS LOGIC PASCAL:geodll32.setuserellsource // 4 Byte // Prototype of the DLL function setunlockcode() in Visual Objects syntax.
_DLL FUNCTION setuserelltarget; (nEllipsoid AS WORD,; // 2 Byte nHalbAchsGr AS REAL8,; // 8 Byte nHalbAchsKl AS REAL8); // 8 Byte AS LOGIC PASCAL:geodll32.setuserelltarget // 4 Byte // Prototype of the DLL function setuserellsource() in Visual-Objects Syntax.
_DLL FUNCTION setuserrefsys; (nRefSysTyp AS WORD,; // 2 Byte nVerschX AS REAL8,; // 8 Byte nVerschY AS REAL8,; // 8 Byte nVerschZ AS REAL8,; // 8 Byte nDrehungX AS REAL8,; // 8 Byte nDrehungY AS REAL8,; // 8 Byte nDrehungZ AS REAL8,; // 8 Byte nMasstab AS REAL8); // 8 Byte AS LOGIC PASCAL:geodll32.setuserrefsys // 4 Byte // Prototype of the DLL function setuserrefsys() in Visual-Objects Syntax.