Syntax of the coordinates



The notations (syntaxes) of the coordinates that are used with the set Coordinate Systems for any coordinate transformations are shown in the topic "Systems default settings" and in the GeoDLL file settings_e.txt.


The notations must be strictly observed for function calls with coordinate transformation.


Notations of the Coordinate Systems

Here you find detailed descriptions of the notations of all coordinate systems.

Geographic coordinates can be in various notations:
[deg]:           g  degrees including decimal fraction
[deg, min, sec]: g  degrees
                 m  minutes
                 s  seconds including decimal fraction
[deg, min]:      g  degrees
                 m  minutes including decimal fraction
[sec]:           s  seconds including decimal fraction
[gon]:           g  gon (400 gon = 360 degrees) ) including decimal fraction.
Negative longitudes are to the west of Greenwich. Latitude with a minus sign is
in the southern hemisphere.

Gauss Krueger and UTM coordinates:
Theis coordinates are organized in a meridian strip system.
ssskkkmmm ±kkkkmmm
s   Meridian strip number of the east value.
k   Kilometers in the east and north values
m   Meters in the east and north values
±   Sign in the north value (only negativ sign must be written)
A north value with a negative sign is located in the southern hemisphere.
The meter portion may contain decimals.

UTMref coordinates (MGRS):
z   meridian strip (zone) between 1 and 60
s   a letter for a geographical latitude strip
x   a letter for a 100 km field in the east direction
y   a letter for a100 km field in the north direction
e   Kilometer and meter fraction in east direction (easting)
n	   ilometer and meter fraction in north direction (northing)
The number of e- and n-components can vary, but both components must have
the same number of digits.

The British and Irish National Grid:
a   a letter for a 100-km field
e   easting value in a 100-km field
n   northing value in a 100-km field
The number of e- and n-components can vary, but both components must have
the same number of digits.

a   a letter designated for a 15 degrees large grid quadrangle
b   a letter designated for a 1 degree small grid quadrangle
n   numbers marking the minutes of the geographical longitude
m   numbers marking the minutes of the geographical latitude
The number of n- and m-components can vary, but both components must have
the same number of digits.

QTH Code:
a   Letters A - R designing a QTH field
n   Digits 0 - 9 desingning a QTH square
b   Letters A - X designing a QTH subsquare
m   Optional digits 0 - 9 designing a QTH extended square
c   Optional letters A - X designing a QTH extended square

NAC Code:
xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy
x   Letters and digits describing the east component
y   Letters and digits describing the north component
The number of characters in the x- and y-components can vary from 1 to 8.
The components can have different counts of characters. Between the components
must be a space. Only the characters listed here may be part of NAC codes:
Calculated NAC Codes are output with a maximum of 5 characters. Coordinates
calculated from NAC Codes represent the center point of the underlying cell.

Plus Code / Open Location Code 8+2 and 8+7 Center or SW-Corner
cccccccc+ccccccc or cccccccc+cc or cccccccc+ or cccc0000+
c   Predefined letters and numbers.
    Only the characters listed here may occur in the plus code:
+   The plus sign must always be at the ninth position.
0   Fill character that are not considered.
Suffixes in the designation of the coordinate system:
Center:    Coordinates calculated from Plus Codes represent the center point
           of the underlying cell.
SW-Corner: Coordinates calculated from Plus Codes represent the south west
           corner point of the underlying cell.

Plus Code / Open Location Code 2/4 Center or SW-Corner
cc or cccc
c   Predefined letters and numbers for the 20x20 or 1x1 degree field.
    Only the characters listed here may occur in the plus code:
Characters behind the fourth position are ignored.
Center:    Coordinates calculated from Plus Codes represent the center point
           of the underlying cell.
SW-Corner: Coordinates calculated from Plus Codes represent the south west
           corner point of the underlying cell.

Google/OSM Pixel and Tile Coordinates:
They are integer and have no decimal places.
The number of digits before the decimal varies with the zoom level.

All remaining Coordinate Systems:
±   Optional sign. Coordinates to the west or to the south of the
    null point of the Coordinate System (origin) or to the west of the
    null meridian of the Coordinate System get a minus sign.
k   Kilometer component. Depending on the Coordinate System this
    component may include an addition constant
    (e.g.UTM: 500000m).
m   Meter component including decimal fraction.