Group Elevation Calculations



The group "Elevation Calculations" contains functions for the determination of ground elevations over the Mean Sea Level from digital elevation models.


That group contains functions for the use of Digital Elevation Models (DEM) to determine ground level elevations of arbitrary points on the earth's surface. In addition free available elevation data of Digital Elevation Models are required, that can be downloaded from the Internet or ordered from KilletSoft for a small copying fee. GeoDLL supports the elevation data of the 3 seconds elevator model CGIAR (90 m raster) and of the 30 seconds elevator model GLOBE (1 km raster). Both systems were developed by the NASA.


Characteristics of the function group

Calculation of elevations from the 3 sec. elevation model CGIAR
Calculation of elevations from the 30 sec. elevation model GLOBE
Conversion of CGIAR ASCII files to binary files
"Ready for Use" Digital Elevation Model data delivery service
Detailed Information about the Digital Elevation Models in the help file
Links to CGIAR and GLOBE providers on the KilletSoft website


"Elevation calculations" function group

Information about the used Digital Elevation Models

Function getelevation03() - Elevation from the 3 sec. elevation model CGIAR

Function getelevation30() - Elevation from the 30 sec. elevation model GLOBE

Function getelevation33() - Elevation from 3/30 sec. elevation model CGIAR/GLOBE

Function setelev03datapath() - Sets the data path for the elevation model CGIAR

Function setelev30datapath() - Sets the data path for the elevation model GLOBE

Function convelev03ascii2bin() - Convert a CGIAR ASCII file to a binary file