Prototype and description of the function setinternerrsys() (This function needs no unlocking) |
setinternerrsys() Switching of the internal error processing routine for GeoDLL. Prototype of the DLL function in C++ syntax (attend lower case!): extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) unsigned long __stdcall setinternerrsys( unsigned long lSwitch); Prototype of the DLL function in Visual Objects syntax: _DLL function setinternerrsys(; lSwitch as logic); // 4 Byte as logic pascal:geodll32.setinternerrsys // 4 Byte This function is contained only in the old Visual Objects variant of the GeoDLL. In the C++ variant the call is contained still for compatibility reasons, but it remains without effects. The parameters are passed and/or returned as follows: lSwitch Switch for the internal error handling. TRUE Internal error handling on. FALSE Internal error handling off. returnVal In case of an error the function returns FALSE, otherwise TRUE. Unlocking: This function needs no unlocking. |