Group Distance Calculations



The group "Distance Calculations" contains functions for the calculation of the distance between two coordinates. Other functions calculate the coordinate of a target point based on the parameters start point coordinate, bearing and distance. According to the formulas of Vincenty the Direct Position Computation and the Inverse Position Computation will be done.


Characteristics of the function group

Distance between coordinates on the ellipsoid
Distance between coordinates on the sphere
Distance between UTM coordinates
Destination point from start point, bearing, distance on ellipsoid
Destination  point from start point, bearing, distance on sphere
UTM destination point from UTM start point, bearing and distance
Vincenty's Direct and Inverse Position Computation
oDistance, forward bearing, backward bearing


"Distance calculations" function group

Function distancegeo() - Distance between geographic coordinates on the ellipsoid

Function distancesphere() - Distance between geographic coordinates on the sphere

Function distanceutm() - Distance between UTM coordinates

Function point2pointgeo() - Dest. point on ellipsoid from start point, bearing, distance

Function point2pointsphere() - Dest. point on sphere from start point, bearing, distance

Function point2pointutm() - UTM dest. point from UTM start point, bearing and distance

Function vincentydirect() - Vincentys Direct Position Computation

Function vincentyinverse() - Vincentys Inverse Position Computation